Thirty-Eight: Be Mine?

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   "Hey, Aeryn, you going to lunch?" Matt asks from his spot in the recording room once I walk in.
   "Oh, yeah, I was planning on it. Why?" I ask.
   "I just wanted to come with. I'm kinda hungry myself," Matt says standing up. Everyone eyes him like they know something I don't. I look at them all with my eyes squinted. What are they all planning?
   Matt and I walk out to my car in a comfortable silence. I get in the driver's seat and he sits in the passenger seat.
   "You sure you don't want to take my car?" He asks. I shake my head.
   "I'll drive. It's fine," I say looking over at him. He just smiles to himself and looks down at his hands.

   We pull into some Mexican restaurant that Matt directed me to. Matt and I get out and walk inside. We get food and get back into the car.
   "We've still got twenty minutes for lunch break. Lets go to the park," Matt says.
   "But Matt, we'll be late back to work," I say.
   "Nobody will mind, Aeryn, lighten up," He laughs.
   "Fine, Matt, only because I trust your judgement," I say driving to the park. We pull in and he leads me down a long pathway.
   "Matt, where are we going?" I ask.
   "You'll see," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the opening. It's a small field of long grass with daisies, dandelions, and forget-me-nots sprinkled in. A picnic table sits in the middle of the field and has a tree shading it. I walk ahead of Matt and take in the scenery. In the tree there's a banner that says 'Aeryn, will you be mine?' I turn to Matt. He smiles at me.
   "So?" he asks holding his arms out to me.
   "Yes!" I shout hugging him. I bury my head in his chest. "I've been waiting for you to ask."
   "And I've been waiting for the right time to ask," He says putting his head on top of mine. I look up at him and he looks down at me. I lean in and kiss him. His hands cup my cheeks to deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck.

   "Aeryn?" Matt asks as we lay in the field, my head lays on his chest and he has and arm around me. I pick a daisy and pull the petals off of it.
   "I want to tell you something and I'm not sure how you'll react," he says.
   "What is it, Matt?" I ask looking up at him.
   "I love you," he says. I smile. "I mean, you don't have to say it back, but I-"
   "Matt," I say cutting him off. He looks down at me nervously. I roll over on my stomach and kiss him.
   "I love you too, ya idjit," I say with a laugh. He just smiles at me.
   "We should be getting back to work," Matt says.
   "Yeah, probably," I say.

   "Did everyone know that you were asking me out?" I ask as I drive back to SGHQ.
   "Mhmm," he says.
   "That's why the seemed more awkward than usual," I say. Matt laughs.

   "We're baaacck," I sing as we walk into the recording room hand in hand.
   "So, you're finally together?" Lasercorn asks. I nod. "Aerhinki is a thing!"
   "Aerhinki is a thing?" Wes and Mari ask walking in. We both nod. They smile.
   "Finally!" they all shout.
   "What do you mean finally?" I ask fake angrily.
   "Well, you guys are so lovey dovey all the time. I'm sick of it," Mari laughs.
   "Ha ha ha," Matt laughs sarcastically making everyone laugh harder.
   "Oh shit!" I exclaim getting up from the couch. "I gotta pick up Flora and Joven from the airport!"
   "Then go," Anthony says. I grab my keys and purse then head out to my car. I drive as quickly as I can to the airport.

   "Aeryn!" someone calls.
   "Flora! Joven! Austin!" I shout. They walk up to me. I hug Flora and Joven. Then I see Austin.
   "Hey, Little A," I say as I hug him.
   "Hey, Big A," he says with a laugh.
   "How ya been?" I ask putting my arm around him and walking with him. Flora and Joven follow behind us. Austin laughs.
   "I've been pretty good," He says.
   "Getting good grades I hope," I say.
   "You wish," he says.
   We get out to the car and Flora sits in the passenger seat, Joven and Austin sit in the back. I drive to Joven's apartment. I help them bring their bags up to his apartment.
   "You've got so many suitcases," I complain.
   "Well, we are moving here," Flora says.
   Once all the bags were in Joven's apartment, I crash down on the couch. Flora is unpacking her stuff in Joven's room with Joven and Austin plops down in the reclining chair.
   "Shouldn't you be unpacking?" I ask.
   "Probably," He says amused.
   "Well, why don't you go do that? I mean you do start school next Monday," I say.
   "Yeah. Yeah," he says getting up and walking down the hall toward his room.
   "You want help?" I call.
   "Nah, I got it, but thanks, Aer," he calls back. I get up and walk to Joven and Flora's room.
   "I should be getting home," I say. Flora hugs me.
   "Thank you," she says.
   "For?" I ask.
   "For everything. I mean, without you I would have never met Josh and I would have never left home. Thank you, Aeryn," she says pulling away from the hug.
   "Well, it was really no problem," I say awkwardly. "I should get going though."
   "Okay, well, we'll see you later, then," she says. I nod and wave.
   "Later," I say walking out and going down the elevator to my car.
   My phone starts blaring the Pokemon theme song on the way home. I pick it up and see that Anthony is calling. Oh boy.
   "Hello?" I ask.
   "You and Sohinki are dating?" he asks sounding hurt.
   "Well, uh, yeah. He asked me today," I say.
   "Oh, well, I'm... happy for you," he says as if he's going to start crying.
   "Ant," I sigh. "You know that conversation we had about whatever happens, happens?"
   "Well, this is what I was talking about," I say. "I just ended up with Matt. That's all. I care about me, but I don't think we're right together," I let him down gently.
   "I know," he sighs. "I was trying to be ready for this, but it's still hard."
   "Anthony, I'm sure there's a better girl out there for you, than me," I reassure him.
   "I guess," he says. "How come you're always right?"
   "I'm not I'm just good with words," I say with a little laugh.
   "Thanks, Aeryn," he says.
   "No problem, Ant," I say. He hangs up. I set my phone back on the passanger's seat.
   I walk in the front door and see that Ian and Anthony are both asleep on the two couches in the living room. I just grab two blankets and put them over them. Ian snuggles into the back of the couch. Anthony just sleeps peacefully. I walk into my bedroom, change into pajamas, and flop onto the bed. My phone beeps. I pick it up and see that Matt texted me.
   Good night, beautiful.
   I smile at my phone and text him back.
   Good night, handsome :)
   I send the text, plug my phone in, and set it on the nightstand. I fall asleep soon afterwards.

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