Twenty-Nine: Here Goes Nothing

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"Aeryn," Matt says. "Aeryn, wake up."
"What?" I groan.
"We have work today," he says.
"Five more minutes," I say.
"No, get up. You have to drive home, get ready, then go to work," he says.
"Fiiine," I say getting out of bed. Matt's hair is wet and he's already dressed. I grab my car keys off the counter and walk to the door.
"I'm leaving!" I shout.
"See you at work!" Matt calls.

I get home and get ready with just enough time to get to work. I drive through traffic and get to SGHQ.
I walk into the recording room and see that only Joven and Lasecorn are at their desks. Flora sits next to Joven and smiles at him the entire time.
"Have any of you seen Matt?" I ask. They shake their head. Huh. I could've swore he would have been here by now. I shrug it off and walk into my office. I start editing some stuff for Game Bang and Maricraft. I even record a video for my own channel and post it. I look at my subscriber number. 8,102. Wow. That's a lot especially for me.
My phone buzzes next to me. I pick it up and answer.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Aeryn," Matt croaks.
"Matt? What's wrong?" I ask frantically.
"Car... ter," he says.
"Carter's in prison," I say.
"No! Aeryn! Help!" Matt yells with a few voice cracks. I rush out of the building and drive as fast as possible to Matt's house, calling the police on the way.
When I arrive, the police are there already and they're standing outside.
"What's going on?" I ask an officer.
"Carter Argos is keeping people captive in the building," He explains. "Are you the woman that called?"
"Yeah. Why?" I ask.
"Carter is saying that if a girl named Aeryn Foxworth goes in, he won't kill anyone," the officer explains.
"So, let me go in," I say.
"That's too dangerous. Why does he want you anyway?"
"I broke up with him after he cheated on me and moved to California. He's obsessed with me for some reason," I explain quickly. He nods.
"Any explanation on why he chose this place to take hostage?" he asks.
"My boyfriend, Matt is in there. He's the one that called me," I say.
"Your boyfriend, eh?" he says thinking about something. "Charleston, Brievy, with me, I've got a plan."
The two men follow him away from me.
"I'm going to have to ask you to step back, ma'am," another officer says.
"Wait, no," I say. "My boyfriend is in there!"
"I don't care. You need to stay back before you get hurt," he says.
"I'm the one Carter is asking for!" I exclaim. His eyes widen.
"Stay here," he orders. "We might need you to coax Carter out."
"Alright," I say. The first officer returns with officer Charleston and Brievy.
"Ms. Foxworth, we need you to go in there and get all the hostages our first. Then we'll get you out," Charleston explains to me. I nod.
"How will you get me out?" I ask. He winks.
"Leave that to me, Brievy, and Foley," he says walking away. They put a bullet proof vest on me under my clothes so it's not that noticeable.
"I'm ready," I say.
"Not quite," Officer Foley says walking over to us. "You know how to shoot?"
"Yeah. My grandpa taught me when I was younger," I say. He hands me a small pistol the size of a tiny squirt gun. I stick in my belt on my back and cover it with my shirt.
"Alright, I'm all set," I say to the three officers. They nod.
"Just walk in slowly. We're telling him right now that you're coming in," Officer Charleston says. I nod and start walking toward the apartment building. Here goes nothing...

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