Twenty-Seven: Recognized

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I wake up the next morning to see Matt gone. I sigh and push my head into the pillow. I hear a faint sound from the kitchen and decide to go investigate. I peer around the corner and into the kitchen. I see Matt standing at the stove cooking something and Ian sitting on the counter with a bowl of cereal. Neither of them see me.
"So how'd your date go last night?" Ian asks taking a bite of his cereal.
"It was awesome," Matt beams.
"So you "slept" here last night why?" Ian asks using air quotes.
"We didn't do anything," he protests. "I slept here because she asked me to."
"Mhm "slept"," Ian says teasingly. Matt rolls his eyes. I finally decide to walk into the kitchen.
"Morning," I say happily.
"Good morning," Ian says walking passed me and into the living room. He sits down on the couch and turns on the T.V.
"Morning," Matt says stirring the eggs in the pan. "You want some breakfast?"
"Uh, sure," I say.
"Well, go chillax I'll bring it to you," He says.
"Oh, no, you don't have to do that," I say.
"Go. Sit. Chill. I'll bring breakfast to you," He says more sternly this time. I walk into the living room and sit on the love seat since Ian is sprawled out on the long couch eating his cereal.
A few minutes later, Matt comes into the living room and hands me a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.
"Thanks," I say shyly.
"No problemo," he says plopping down next to me and digging into his eggs. I take a bite of bacon.
"Mmm," I say.
"You like it?" He asks.
"So, I was thinking we could go shopping today," Matt says.
"Why would we-"
"My family reunion is tomorrow. I wanted to know if you'd come with, and we could get you a nice dress for it," He explains.
"I mean, I'd love to go, but do I really need a dress, Matt?" I ask.
"Well, it's going to be kind of a formal event," Matt says scratching his neck.
"Alright," I sigh. "You win."
"Awesome," he says kissing my cheek. I start to blush uncontrollably. He smirks and gets up and sets our empty plates in the sink.
I get up and go get dressed into a Smosh Games t-shirt that Ian gave me and a pair of blue skinny jeans. I slip my combat boots on and brush through my hair and braid it. Matt walks in.
"Ready to go?" he asks. I nod. He grabs my hand and pulls me out into the driveway.
"I'll drive," I offer. He shakes his head.
"You sure? I mean, gas prices are-"
"Its okay, Matt," I say putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Alright," I gives in. We get into my car and he gives me directions to the mall. I park and we get out.
"Alright," I say. "Any specific color for my dress?"
"Well, I don't know. I'll text my mom," he says. He pulls out his phone. He types for a second then shuts his phone off. We stand outside a dress store for a few minutes waiting for his mom to text him back.
Once his phone goes off, he immediately turns it on and unlocks it. He sighs and shows my the phone.
Honey, why would you need a dress?
I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard I can't breathe and have to hang on to Matt. He just looks frustrated. He types rapidly on his phone. It goes off again a few seconds later.
Oh, you're bringing a girl! That makes more sense... Well, I know that most of your cousins are wearing black and white. I'm wearing a red dress. I don't think the color really matter, sweetie. It's her choice.
"Alright. Well, I was thinking dark blue. It's classy and cute," I say. "Should I get a long dress or short?"
"I liked the dress you wore the other night," I say.
"Oh the high-low," I say. "I like that one too, but it's not really classy."
After trying on tons of dresses, I finally find the one I want. It's a shorter dress that hangs down to my knees. It's dark dark blue and has a white bow around the midsection. I smile and.walk out.of the dressing room with it on. Matt's jaw drops.
"I like... that one," he says. I smile and look at the ground.
"So, do I," I say. I change back into my regular clothes.
"I'll pay for it," Matt offers.
"Oh, you don't have to," I say.
"I want to. Let something nice for you today," he says.
"You have done a nice thing for me. You cooked me breakfast and let me drive here," I say.
"It's not enough. If I want to be your boyfriend I want to be perfect. Romantic," he says. I hug him around the waist and look up at him.
"You are perfect," I say. He smiles down at me. I giggle.
"I'm not as perfect as I should be for you," He says.
"Well, you're perfect to me," I say kissing him on the lips. I let go of him and grab my dress.
"I'm paying for it!" I yell running away.
"No you're not!" he shouts running after me. He catches me around the waist and lifts me up. "Gotcha!"
"Oh yeah?" I ask wiggling out of his grip.
"Aeryn -Whatever your middle name is- Foxworth!" he shouts.
"It's Penelope!" I say running to the cash register and setting the dress on the counter.
"Having fun?" the teenage girl asks with a laugh.
"Yeah," I say laughing a little myself.
"You two are cute. How long have you been together?" She asks.
"Oh, we're not dating," I state.
"Oh really? Sorry. You just seem like it," she says.
"It's alright, I mean, we're not dating... yet," I say with a wink. She laughs and hands me my bag with the dress in it. I thank her and walk out of the store. Matt's talking to three teenage boys outside of the store.
"Matt," I say.
"It's Aeryn!" the teenage boys exclaim excitedly.
"Oh, uh, yeah," I say awkwardly.
"We're fans of Smosh Games," the says.
"Oh, yeah, I should have realized," I say blushing.
"I was just signing some stuff for them," Matt says.
"Oh, awesome," I say.
"Will you sign too?" one of the boys asks.
"Oh, yeah, totally," I say. He holds up his skateboard. It's completely white on the bottom except for Matt's signature. I sign it with a Sharpie the boy gave me.
"What's your names?" I ask while signing their things.
"I'm Collin, that's Rowan, and that's Andy," the blond boy says pointing to his friends.
"How about a picture so I can post it on Twitter and Instagram," I suggest.
"Yeah, cool," Collin says. We all take a selfie and I post it to Instagram and Twitter tagging all of the boys in it.
"Awesome, thanks," Andy says. I sign other things for the other two boys.
"Thanks, Aeryn and Sohinki!" they shout walking away. I smile. "And get together already!" Rowan and Collin shout. I blush and look down at the floor.
"Well, that was fun," Matt comments laughing.
"Yeah, I've never actually been recognized before," I say.
"First time for everything, I guess," Matt laughs.

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