Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight

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I walk into the house, passed Anthony who was sitting on the couch, and into my bedroom. I close my door quietly and lie down face first onto my bed. I sob into my pillow. A knock sounds on my door.
"Aeryn," Anthony says sounding concerned. "Are you okay?"
I sit up and rub my face. I sniffle. "I'm fine."
"Aeryn, you don't always have to act like you're okay," he sighs. He opens the door and sits on my bed next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Will you tell me what happened?" he asks softly.
"Matt, he-he," I burst into tears again. The tears flow down my cheeks and Anthony pulls my into a hug.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he says. "Don't stress yourself."
I cry into his shirt. He just rubs my back and let's me cry. I lift my head up after a while of crying.
"I ruined your shirt," I say staring at the make up stain on his light grey t-shirt. He chuckles.
"You're sad and you just care about my shirt?" He asks amused. I smile at him. "There's that smile I like to see."
I just frown and look away. He puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look at him.
"I didn't mean to make you frown again," he whispers. He starts leaning in as we stare into each other's eyes. He leans in fully and his lips meet mine. His lips are so warm and really inviting. I kiss him back and my hands run through his hair. His hands run down my back. We pull apart after a minute.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," he says. I smile.
"How about we go watch a movie?" Anthony asks.
"Sure," I say.
We decide to watch my favorite movie, The Little Mermaid. Anthony and I sit on the love seat together. His arm rests on the back of the couch above me. I rest my head on his shoulder. Ian walks into the house looking more angry than I've ever seen him before.
"Ian?" I ask getting up from the couch. "What's wrong?"
"Sohinki's new girlfriend, Rosanna, is a huge bitch," Ian says. Tears form in my eyes.
"What'd she do?" Anthony asks from the couch.
"She was mean to everyone at the office today and she even drenched Mari with a Super Soaker full of cold water," Ian says. "Mari went home after that to get warm and change."
I turn around with tears still in my eyes. Anthony notices and gets up from the couch.
"Is that what upset you?" He asks. I nod and cry into his chest again. He just rubs my back. Ian clears his throat and Anthony pulls away from me. Ian stares at us.
"You have something to tell me?" He asks.
"No," We both say in unison.
"You're not dating?" he asks.
"Nope," I say wiping my eyes.
"Wait, so you're upset because Sohinki is dating another girl?" Anthony asks.
"Well, when he tells you he loves you, you go away for a week, and when you come back he has a girlfriend, wouldn't you be upset?" I ask. They both nod.
"Wait, he told you he loved you?" Anthony asks. I nod.
"Twice," I respond.
"What a dick!" Anthony exclaims angrily. "I should teach him a lesson!"
"No," I say grabbing his bicep. "No. Don't."
"Why shouldn't I?" He asks me.
"You still care about him? He practically broke your heart!" Anthony says.
"It's fine," I say quietly.
"It's not fine! I don't want him hurting you!"
"I don't want you to hurt him!"
"Maybe I should just fire him!"
"No, Anthony!" I scream tears falling for the third time that day. His facial features soften when he realizes that I'm crying.
"Aer, I was just mad. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to make you cry," he says softly pulling me into a bone crushing hug.
"Anthony, can't... Breathe," I say.
"Oh sorry," he says releasing me. I breathe deeply once he lets go of me.
"Lasercorn is mad at Sohinki too," Ian says out of the blue.
"Why?" I ask.
"Rosanna is his sister and she wanted to meet his friends. He thought she wouldn't like Sohinki so she wouldn't want to meet the rest of his friends," Ian explains. I nod.
"I see. So, Matt just asked her out and they started dating in like a week?" I ask. Ian nods.
"Their relationship moved super fast," Anthony says.

The next day, I walk into work and see Rosanna and Matt in the recording room. I roll my eyes and walk out. I sit down at my desk. Joven and Lasercorn come and sit next to me.
"Hey, Aeryn," Lasercorn says.
"Hey," I respond boredly scrolling through Tumblr.
"Are you okay?" Joven asks.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?" I ask looking at him.
"Well, you seem distant today. You saw Rosanna and Sohinki and immediately walked out of the room," Joven says.
"I just don't want to see either of them right now," I say quietly.
"Oh, Aer," Lasercorn says putting a hand on my leg.
"I'm fine," I say. "I'll be fine."
"It's fine! Just drop it. Oh and Joven I talked to my friend Flora and she'll be here in a few days," I say getting away from the subject of Matt.
"Awesome!" he says excitedly.
"Yeah. I sent her a couple pictures of what you look like," I say.
"Why?" he asks.
"Because you'll be picking her up from the airport," I say smirking at him. He just looks slightly nervous.
"Don't look so nervous, man, she'll like you," I say reassuringly.
"I don't know, Aeryn, what if she doesn't like a bronze player," Lasercorn jokes. I laugh. Joven just sits there fake pouting and crossing his arms.
"Oh quit your pouting," I say. He just smiles slightly and let's a small laugh escape his lips.
"Hey, Aeryn," Matt says standing in the doorway of my office. Lasercorn and Joven just walk out of the room and Lasercorn gives me a pat on the back as if saying I'm still here. I smile at him as he walks out.
"Hi, Matt," I say coldly, turning back to my computer. "Where's your girlfriend?"
"She had to go to work," he says.
"Oh, where's that? The strip club?" I ask coldheartedly. He looks at me as if he's never heard an insult before.
"Don't say that!" he shouts.
"You only don't want me to say that because you know it's true!"
"It's not true! She works at a diner in town!"
"A "diner"," I yell using air quotes.
"Look, Aeryn," he says getting angry. "I love her and I know that I said I loved you, but I love her more. I know why I picked her over you now, she's not such a bitch! If you can't get over the fact that we're together, we shouldn't be friends!"
"Then maybe we shouldn't be friends," I say quietly. I walk passed him and out of the office building. I run down the street, not entirely sure where I'm going, but I want to be somewhere else.

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