Fourty-One: Hero

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"Matty!" I exclaim walking into the recording room.
"Whaty?" he asks.
"I was wondering if you wanted to record a Q&A with me," I say.
"Sure. Just let me finish this," he says. I take out my phone and tweet: Matt and I are doing a Q&A ask us some questions using #AerynandMatt
Matt finishes editing his video and comes into my office. I set up the camera and put Matt's chair next to mine. He sits down and I press record.

"Maddyisawesome16 asked "will you and Sohinki be coming to VidCon next year?" I say.
"Probably,"Matt says.
"I mean, I don't see why not," I answer.

"Sarahiplier206 asked "when are you and Matt going to get together?" I say. I look at Matt.
"Should we tell them?" I ask. Matt looks at me, thinks for a second, then nods.
"We're already dating guys!" I exclaim. "We have been for almost four months now." Matt kisses me. We answer a few more questions then I shut the camera off and start editing.

"Aeryn, you've been editing for two hours. Take a break," Lasercorn says walking into the room.
"I just want to get this done," I respond, not looking up from the computer screen.
"Aer, you need a break. Com'on, Ian brought Krypto here," he says. I look away from me screen when he mentions Krypto. I get up and follow him down the hall into the lounge. Krypto sits on the couch and perks up when he sees me.
"Krypto!" I exclaim kneeling on the floor. He bounds over to me and gives me a big kiss. "Nice to see you too, boy."
"Matt, are you allowed to have pets in your apartment?" Ian asks.
"Uh, yeah, I think so," he says.
"Well, find out, Anthony and I decided we were going to give you Krypto," Ian says.
"You're giving us Krypto? But he's your dog," I say.
"I know, but Krypto misses you. He moped around the entire day you left," Ian explains. "Think of him as a house warming gift." I pat Krypto on the head and smile up at Ian. I look at Matt.
"Call the landlord. I want to know if I can have Krypto in the apartment," I say. He laughs, nods, and pulls out his phone to call. He walks out of the room tapping the screen of his phone. I get up and hug Ian.
"Thank you," I say.
"He was more your dog anyway. I mean, you did name him and all," He says. I smile into Ian's chest.

"We can bring Krypto home!" Matt exclaims walking in. I excitedly hug Matt.
"Yay!" I exclaim. "Well, I should bring him home. I'll be back." I clip then leash to Krypto's red collar.
"You're walking him all the way home?" Matt asks.
"Its not that far," I say. "I'll be back in like an hour or so."

"Here's your new home, Krypto," I say letting him tun passed me into the apartment. He wags his tail happily and sniffs everything. I let him get settled then head back to work.
I start the walk back to work. I see a teenage boy crossing the road. A truck bustles down the street with no intent of stopping. I start running toward the teen.
"Hey!" I shout at him. He either doesn't hear me or doesn't think I'm talking to him. I push passed people and continue running toward the teenager. The truck is super close to the kid. I jump and push him out of the way. The truck hits me instead. My vision fades and the truck continues down the street like nothing happened. People surround me and the teen.
"Call 911!"
"Oh my god! Call help!"
"Back up! Back up! Give her some space!"
My vision fades and then nothing.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I slowly open my eyes to the annoying beeping noise in the room. The lights blind me and I look around.
"Someone shut that fucking beeping off," I say.
"Aeryn!" Matt says rushing over to me.
"What?" I ask. I cough a little and find that my ribs hurt. "Where are we?"
"The hospital," he says. "You saved a boy from getting hit by a truck, but you got hit instead."
The memory returns to me and I sigh.
"The boy was okay right?" I ask. Matt chuckles. "What?"
"You got hit by a truck, broke a few ribs, your arm, and you ankle and all you care about is the kid," he says.
"Well, yeah. I'd hate to have jumped in front of a truck for nothing," I laugh. My ribs hurt as I laugh, so I stop.
"His name is Collin Zardari. He came to visit you for the two days you've been here," Matt says.
"Two days?!" I exclaim.
"Well, yeah. They had to do surgery on you immediately when you got here. One of you ribs was so broken it was almost puncturing one of your organs."
A boy walks in. He's wearing a black beanie, a blue t-shirt with a the Superman symbol on it. His blue jeans are slightly hanging over his converse.
"I like the shirt," I comment. He looks surprised.
"You're awake!" he says surprised.
"Yup. At least I hope so. This could be a dream," I joke. He laughs.
"Uh, Matt, could I talk to her, alone?" Collin asks.
"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll just go to the lobby and see if Ian's still here," Matt says getting up. He walks out and Collin grabs a chair and pulls it up to my bed.
"Why?" he asks.
"Why did you save me?"
"Why wouldn't I?" I ask.
"I just... I didn't think anyone would save me from something like that. I'm glad you did, but I'm sorry you got hurt," he says looking down at his hands.
"It was my own free will. I decided yo save you. It's not your fault," I say.
"Matt told me your name is Aeryn. I knew you were familiar. You're the Aerynator from Smosh Games," he says. "I got saved by a YouTuber."
"Yep," I say.
"I never introduced myself, I'm Collin," he says.
"I know. Matt told me. I think it's sweet of you to come visit me," I say.
A knock sounds on the door, then it opens. The doctor walks in with two men behind her. A really tall one, maybe six foot two, and one that's only a little shorter.
"She's finally awake," the doctor says. I nod. Collin gets up.
"I'll just, uh, go find Matt," He says darting out of the room. Weird.
"I'm Officer Galen and this is Officer Oren. We're here to ask you a few questions about the truck that hit you," the taller one says. I nod.
"I don't remember much," I state. "I was too focused on saving Collin."
"We just want to ask a few questions," Officer Oren says defensively.
"Alright," I agree.
"What color was the truck?" he asks.
"White," I reply simply.
"Do you remember anything distinct, maybe what the driver looked like or any logo you saw on the truck?" Officer Galen says softly. I think for a moment.
"It was a U-Haul truck!" I exclaim. They nod.
"That's something at least," Officer Oren says. "Thank you for your time."
"Just catch the S.O.B. and I'll be okay," I say. They both nod a goodbye and walk out.

"So, Collin, it's getting late, shouldn't you be going home?" I ask the boy. He shrugs. "What's that supposed to mean?" He shrugs.
"Collin, what's going on with you?" Matt asks.
"I don't have a home to go to, okay?!" he asks loudly. "I live in the rundown orphanage on the other side of town. They don't care about us there. I got a job in order to pay for everything for myself."
"A job? How old are you?" I ask.
"Fifteen," he says.
"I thought you had to be sixteen," Matt says.
"I have a fake ID," he says. "I had to get one in order to be able to get a job," he says. I nod. He's just trying to survive.
"How about you stay with us for tonight?" I ask. "I get discharged tonight, right?"
"Yeah," Matt says.
"There," I say. "You can stay with us."
"Are you sure, I mean-"
"I'm sure, Collin," I say reassuringly grabbing his hand. He smiles at me.
"Thank you, Aeryn," he says.
"Don't mention it."

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