Twenty-Eight: The Sohinki Family Reunion

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Matt and I walk to the building where the family reunion is being held. I take a deep breath and fiddle with the dress I bought yesterday and stare at my white flats.
"It's okay, Aeryn, my family will love you," Matt says comfortingly. I smile at him and shake my head.
"Just..." he sighs. "Just remember that my family can be... Critical."
"Matt, that's not helping," I say. He chuckles.
"They'll love you," He says reassuringly. I take another deep breath and we walk inside. The hall is decorated with black and white balloons and streamers. There's a table on the other side of the room with food on it and another table with drinks. A ton of people are standing around talking, eating, and drinking. The noise is really loud.
"Matthew!" a woman exclaims walking over to him.
"Hey, mom," he says with a smile. She hugs him.
"Oh, who's this?" she asks looking at me and pulling away from the hug.
"This is Aeryn," Matt introduces.
"Oh, you're his girlfriend," She says with a smile.
"Well, not yet," Matt says.
"Ohhh," his mom says winking at me. I laugh.
"Where's Jonathan and Daniel?" Matt asks his mom.
"Over there," she says pointing over to a few tables with chairs around them. Two boys are sitting there talking to a girl.
Matt grabs my hand and leads me over to them.
"Hey," Matt says. The girl gets up and walks away.
"Oh, hey, Matt," one of the boys says. "Who's this?"
"This is Aeryn," Matt says.
"Hi," I say shyly waving at them. The two boys stand up.
"I'm Jonathan," the taller brown haired boy says. He's wearing a white tie with a black shirt.
"And I'm Daniel," the shorter boy says. He's wearing a white dress shirt with a black bowtie.
"Nice to meet you," I say.
"So, Matt," Jonathan says. "How's that YouTube thing working for you?"
"It's pretty good," he says. "That's how I met Aeryn."
Jonathan laughs. "So, Aeryn, why our brother? I'm sure there's some other guy in the office that's cuter," Jonathan jokes. I giggle.
"We're not technically dating," I say.
"Uh huh," Daniel says.
"Uncle Matty!" I hear a girl screech. A young girl, maybe six or seven, runs up to Matt and hugs him around the legs.
"Looks like Mira is here with Grace and Caleb," Jonathan says.
"Gracie," Matt says excitedly, picking her up. She giggles as he swings her around in his arms.
"Who's that?" Gracie asks pointing to me.
"That's Uncle Matt's friend," Matt says in third person.
"Is she you giiirlfriend?" Gracie asks in a teasing tone. Matt shakes his head with a smile.
"Not yet," he says to her in a loud whisper.
"Well, she's really pretty," Gracie whispers to him loudly.
"I know," Matt says.
"Dad!" Gracie yells getting down from Matt's arms. She runs to Jonathan and sits on his lap. He ruffles her hair.
"Dad, stop," she giggles swatting his hands away. He quits ruffling her hair and they sit there staring at Matt and I.
"Matt!" a boy yells. He looks about ten. He has brown hair like Jonathan. Matt ruffles his hair.
"How are you, Caleb?" Matt asks hugging him.
"Good, Uncle Matt, real good," Caleb says. Matt nods and let's Caleb go.
"How about you kids go play?" Jonathan suggests. Gracie and Caleb run off together.
"Where's dad?" Matt asks.
"Oh, you're going to try and get the approval?" Daniel asks.
"The approval?" I ask looking at Matt.
"When one of us has a new girl we like or just started dating, our dad likes to give them a quiz kind of thing and Jon, Dan, and I call it the approval," Matt explains. I nod.
"So, I'll be quizzed on something?" I ask.
"It's usually just stuff about us," Daniel butts in. I nod.
"Well, that shouldn't be too hard," I say. "Unless he asks me like your blood type or something." I laugh.
"Matthew," someone says from behind us. We turn around and are faced with a man that's balding. He's wearing a red dress shirt with a black tie.
"Hey, dad," Matt says.
"You brought a girl this year, Matthew, I'm surprised," he says chuckling.
"What's your name?" he asks me.
"I'm Aeryn. It's nice to meet you," I say politely. He sticks his hand out for me to shake. I grab it and shake a few times.
"So, Aeryn," he says. "Can I speak with you?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," I say. We start walking away from Matt, Jonathan, and Daniel. I turn back to them. Jonathan gives me a thumbs up and Daniel just smiles. Matt... Well, Matt looks like he's so nervous he's about to throw up.

"So, Aeryn, do you care about Matt?" He asks. I nod.
"I do. A lot, actually," I say. He nods.
"What's Matt's favorite video game?" he asks as if I won't know.
"DOTA," I answer.
"Alright. Well, where does he work?"
"Smosh Games. I work there too," I say.

I walk back over to Matt. He gives me a nervous look. As if I didn't pass "the approval".
"I got all of the questions right, now stopping looking like that I feel like you're going to throw up," I say laughing. He just sighs in relief then smiles.
"I'm glad you passed," he says.
"It's not like it was an actual test," I say.
"I know, but it's kind of like one," he says.

After an entire day of meeting the Sohinki family, I'm super tired. Like extremely tired. I stop the car at Matt's apartment building, the only source of light around is the street lamp in front of us.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I yawn.
"Aeryn, maybe you should stay here," he says. "I don't think you should be driving when you're this tired."
"Fine," I say. I park my car and get out with Matt.
"Com'on sleepy head," he says bringing me upstairs. He gives me a pair of his pajama pants with Mario on them. He also gives me a Smosh t-shirt. I change in his bathroom and walk back into his bedroom. I flop on the bed not caring about anything other than sleep. Matt comes in a few minutes later and curls up next to me. He puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. I fall asleep quickly as Matt rubs small circles on my back.

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