Fourty-Eight: Three years later

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Collin sits on the floor next to Smosh, Krypto, and his younger sister, Charlie.
Charlie is only two, but she's so smart. Her hair is brown and curly. It goes down a little past her shoulders. She has Matt's green eyes.
She giggles as Collin tickles her. She tries to run away, but her little legs won't carry her fast enough. Collin catches her and picks her up, throwing her in the air. She screeches, then laughs happily when Collin catches her.
"Be careful," I warn. Collin laughs and sets her down.
"I gotta go anyway," he says. "Lylah wants to go see a movie tonight."
"Ooo," I tease like a little kid. He rolls his eyes.
"We aren't dating. We're going with a group of friends, then we're going to the bar," he says.
"Yeah. Yeah," I say. "Have fun."
"I won't," he says sarcastically closing the door behind him. Charlie toddles over to me and climbs onto my lap.
"Hey, Charlie," I say.
"Hi, mama," she says turning her gaze to the T.V. I brush through her hair with my fingers. Smosh jumps up onto the back of the couch, purring and hitting me in the face with his tail. Krypto jumps up on the couch next to me. Charlie pats his head and he licks her face. She giggles, wiping her face with her hand.
"Aw, Krypto," I groan. Charlie laughs and Krypto licks her again. I chuckle this time. I hear a knock at the door. I get up and put Charlie back down on the couch.
I open the door and Ian stands there. He's holding Cards Against Humanity and a twelve pack of Mountain Dew.
"Whatcha doing?" I ask. Ian walks in and Anthony, Wes, Lasercorn, and Flitz walk in behind him.
"What are you guys doing?" I ask.
"We know you haven't been out much lately because of Charlie. You edit videos at home, you record for your channel here, and you only come to SGHQ to record some videos. We wanted to play games together and make a video together and play Cards Against Humanity," Ian says.
"Well, someone's gotta pay attention to Charlie otherwise she-"
"I brought Tyler," Lasercorn says. Tyler is Lasercorn's seven year old son.
"Oh yeah. Because a seven year old is going to take care of a two year old," I say.
"No, I meant, I'll watch them while you guys play," Lasercorn says. I nod.

We play Cards Against Humanity and record until Matt gets home. He walks into the kitchen and sees us sitting at the table recording.
"Oh look! Matt's here!" Ian exclaims.
"I wanna play," Matt says.
"You'll definitely lose because we'll all be some much ahead of you," I say.
"I don't care," Matt says sitting down.
"You don't care if you lose?" I ask. "I recall someone getting mad at me last night for beating him in Mortal Kombat."
The group laughs.
"When I edit this I'm leaving that in," Wes laughs.
Charlie toddles in and crawls into Matt's lap.
"I wanna play, dad," she says.
"Honey, this is a grown up game," he says brushing her hair from her eyes.
"I wanna play," she insists.
"I thought you were watching Charlie, Lasercorn!" I yell into the living room.
"Whoops! I'm on it," He says coming into the kitchen and grabbing Charlie. He walks back into the living room.
"You guys are the best," I say.
"We know," they say in unison.

A/N: Well, uh, there you go. That's the end of What's a Smosh. I want to say thank you to all of you who read it and voted for it. I enjoyed writing this so much and you guys just inspired me to write more often.
   Fret not, I'll be writing another story soon. But I want to know what you guys want to see. What (who) do you guys want me to write about next?

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