Fourty: Your Secret's Safe With Me

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"I think that's it," I say setting the last box down in Matt's, well I guess our, apartment. Matt smiles at me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"We've finally done it," He whispers. "We've finally become a couple and now we're sharing an apartment. It feels like we were just meeting yesterday."
"Time really does fly," I say looking at him. I turn my neck to kiss him.
"Woah," Ian says walking in. I pull away from Matt. He lets go of me and I walk over to Ian. Ian hugs me.
"I can't believe you're moving out," He says with tears in his eyes.
"Ian, I'm not that far and you'll see me at work," I say hugging him.
"I'm not at Smosh Games all the time though," he sighs.
"I'm not that far away," I say.
"I know, but I won't see you all the time," he says.
"That might be a good thing for you," I laugh.
"Probably," He laughs pulling away from the hug.
"I should get going. Anthony and I have some recording to do," He says.
"See you later, Ianator," I say.
"Ianator?" he asks.
"It rhymes," I shrug. He laughs.
"Bye, guys," he says, closing the door behind him as he walks out.
"Well, I should get to unpacking," I say.
"You want some help?" he asks.
"I think I can manage," I say.
"You sure?"
"Yes. I'll be fine, Matt," I say picking up some boxes and walking into our bedroom. I unpack my clothes first putting some in the closet and others in the dresser. Then I unpack my laptop, 3DS, and other things I had strewn about at Ian's house. I get to the box with books. I look around and see the Matt hasn't a bookshelf in sight.
"Matt!" I call.
"Yeah?" he asks. I walk into the computer room and see he's playing DOTA on his laptop.
"I need a bookshelf," I say.
"You read?" he asks. I give him a 'seriously?' look. He nods.
"Well, it's only three, we could go pick one up," He says. I nod. "Alright, let's go get a bookshelf."

"This one," I say, pointing out the bookshelf I want. The bookshelf is brown wood and has five shelves on it.
"This one," Matt says to the salesman. He just nods.
"You got a truck?" he asks. Matt and I share a look before both shaking our heads. "Well, we can bring it where it needs to go, but it'll be extra."
"It doesn't matter," Matt replies. "She just needs a bookshelf." The salesman nods and walks to the back.
"Just let me do something nice for you, Aeryn," he says.
"You do nice things for me all the time, Matt," I say.
"Well, let me do more nice things for you," he laughs. I sigh.
"I'll never be able to ever repay you," I say.
"You being around is enough repayment for me," He says.
"You're so cheesy," I say.
"But you love me anyways," he says.
"You got me there," I say kissing his cheek.
"You're in luck we've got the last one, besides the floor model, in the back," he says.
"Yay," I say.
"We just need to know where to bring it and then it's all yours," he says. Matt gives him our address and hands him the money for the bookshelf, then we head home.

"How about here?" Matt asks gesturing to the empty space on the wall where he thinks the bookshelf should go. I nod.
"This can be your gaming room and my reading room," I say. "Except if you're recording don't get me in the shot."
"Oh, I'll make sure you're in the shot," Matt teases. I roll my eyes and push him playfully.
We move the bookshelf into the computer room and I start unpacking my books.
"Wow. You've got a lot of books," Matt comments.
"Yeah. My mom would always read me books before I fell asleep at night. I think that's why I love books as much as I do. They remind me of my mom," I say. Matt just nods.
"Speaking of my mom, I should go visit her, sometime, you know," I say. "I could introduce you two."
"Yeah, that'd be nice," he says. I turn around and hug him. "Aeryn?"
"I thought you'd think I was insane for wanting to introduce you to my mom when she's gone," I say. My words are muffled into his chest. He rubs my back.
"You may be weird and crazy sometimes, but you're not insane," he whispers.
"You're too good for me," I say.
"No, you're too good for me," he says. I sigh and melt into his hug.
I'm not sure how long we stood there in each other's embrace, it felt like hours, but it was nice.

"Sup, guys," I say cheerily walking into the recording room the next day.
"You're really... happy," Lasercorn says. I nod.
"Am I?" I ask.
"Yeah. It's a little weird. You on something?" Lasercorn asks pausing GTA and turning to me.
"I'm not on anything, I'm just in a good mood," I say. Lasercorn shrugs and goes back to playing GTA. I walk over to Matt as he sits at his desk editing a video.
"How's it going?" I ask standing behind his chair. He looks up at me.
"It's going," he responds boredly.
"You want me to edit it? You look tired," I offer.
"No. I'm fine. I just didn't get enough sleep last night," he says.
"Move," I lightly push Matt's chair So he's out of the way and sit down in Mari's chair. I slide the chair so I'm in front of Matt's monitor. I start editing the video.
"Aeryn," Matt whines. "I feel warm."
"Matt, are you getting sick?" I ask turning to him.
"I think so," he says. I feel his forehead with my hand.
"You're burning up," I say. "You should just go home."
"No, I don't want to just leave you here with no car," He says.
"I'll catch a ride with someone. It's no big deal," I say.
"Alright," he says getting up from his chair. He walks out the door.
"And get some sleep!" I shout after him.

I walk down the sidewalk later that night, by myself. This is how episodes of Supernatural start, I think to myself.
I couldn't get a ride with anyone because, well, I was the last person to leave. Big mistake. Now I have to walk home, and I'm very lazy. I slip my phone from my pocket and hold it in my hand. As if that'll help anything is someone attacks.
I whip around and see Anthony standing there with a girl. I look at him confused.
"Anthony?" I ask.
"What are you doing out?" He asks approaching me.
"I was the last to leave Smosh Games and Matt went home sick earlier today," I explain. "Who's this?"
"I'm Anthony's girlfriend, Victoria," she says.
"Way to go, man," I say punching Anthony lightly. He just smiles shyly and rubs the spot I punched. Victoria laughs.
"I'm Aeryn," I say holding out my hand. "Nice to meet you."
"You too," She says taking my hand and firmly shaking it.
"Aer, can you keep this a secret?" Anthony asks.
"Oh, sure," I say. "Why are you keeping it a secret?"
"We just aren't ready to tell anyone," he says.
"Your secret is safe with me," I say saluting. Anthony laughs.
"You're the best, Aer," Anthony says.
"I know," I say starting my walk home.
"Bye, Aeryn," Anthony calls.
"Bye, Ant," I call over my shoulder.

I walk into the apartment and see that Matt is asleep on the couch. I sigh.
"You poor thing," I mumble. I put a blanket over him and kiss his forehead. He stirs in his sleep.
"Aeryn?" he asks sleepily.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Cuddle?" he asks like a child. I lift the blanket up and lie down next to him. He wraps his arms around me.
"You're like a freaking heater," I mumble into his chest.
"Well, I'm either still sick or slowly turning into the Human Torch," he says. I laugh.
"Good night, Matt," I say closing my eyes.
"Night, Aeryn," he says stroking my hair.

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