Thirty-One: Amnesia

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"Ms. Foxworth, Matt's awake now," a nurse calls into the waiting room. I stand up quickly and look back at the rest of the Smosh Games crew. Lasercorn is passed out in a chair. Ian and Anthony are watching me, waiting for me to have a breakdown. Joven and Flora are sitting together whispering quietly. Wes and Flitz are both playing games on their DS's. Mari stands up and walks over to me.
"You want me to come with you?" she asks. I shake my head. I walk down the hall with the nurse and she opens a heavy, wooden door. Matt lies in the bed. His eyes are open and he's looking around the room.
"How ya feeling?" I ask. He looks at me confused for a while.
"Who are you?" He asks after a minute or two.
"I'm Aeryn... Your girlfriend... Kinda," I say. "You don't remember?"
"No, I, uh, I don't. I'm sorry," he says. The doctor comes in.
"Just as I thought," he says. "Matt got a severe concussion from Carter punching him so many times. He also had a bullet go straight through his hand," the doctor says.
"He won't remember anything?" I ask.
"No, he will, but probably not for a couple weeks," he says. "And in those couple weeks we're keeping him here for observation."
"Could I like... Do something to make him remember?" I ask.
"You could try showing him pictures or something that he could possibly remember," he replies. I nod and walk back into the waiting room. Everyone looks away from what they're doing and stare at me.
"He got a severe concussion and can't remember anything," I mumble just loud enough for them to hear me. Everyone looks around in shock. Lasercorn walks over to me and hugs me. I can feel him rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"The doctor said we could try to show him pictures that he could remember," I say. Everyone pulls out their phones looking for pictures of Matt. Flora looks up at me with her eyes wide. She whispers something to Joven.
"We'll be right back!" she says as they run out of the room, hand in hand.
Everyone goes into Matt's room and sits in the chairs and scroll through their phones. I show Matt the video of us playing P.T.
"That looks scary," Matt comments.
"It was," I say. "I just wish you could remember."
"Me too," He says grabbing my hand. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, I've got one!" Lasercorn exclaims. He rushes over and shows a picture of the Smosh Games crew at the premier of Smosh The Movie. I laugh.
"Wait," Matt says. "I remember that."
"You do?" I ask. He nods.
"Ian and Anthony had those wax figures and we were posing with them and stuff," Matt says.
"Do you remember everyone's names?" Anthony asks. He nods.
"Ian, Anthony, David, Wes, Flitz, Mari, and uhh," Matt says pointing at everyone he stops when he gets to me.
"I told you my name earlier," I mumble. Flora and Joven come back about a half hour later with a camera and laptop in hand. Anthony and Ian explain that Matt remembers basically everything except anything that has to do with me.
"We have a solution to that," Flora says smiling up at Joven. She turns on the camera and clicks through some of the pictures. She stops on a video and plays it through a laptop so everyone can see. It's a video of Matt and I walking on the beach, on our first date. We have our splash fight and then we fall into the water. Matt kisses me and the video ends. Matt stares at the now black screen.
"So, do you remember now?" Flora asks expectantly.
"I wish I did," he says. "It looks like we were in real love, but I don't remember. I'm sorry."
My heart broke in two from those couple sentences. I walk out of the room. I sit down on a chair in the waiting room again. I put my head in my hands. What if he never remembers me?

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