10. It's No Walk In The Park... Or, Maybe It is?

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So i hope you like this chapter, it took a lot of thinking and i had a few writers blocks!

Anyway, i'd like to say thanks to DangerouslySafe for helping me through my writers block!!

:) so this is for Karalyn (i think thats how u spell ur name?)

Enjoy! ;)


I woke up the next morning in the clothes I wore to the party. I guess I forgot to change into pajamas the night before. In fact, I forgot most of the party. All I could recall was talking to… some guy… and then I went to talk to Margaux…

It all came back to me then. Thank god I remembered, or else I would’ve gotten a phone call from a random guy singing me a song. I gave up trying to remember everything, wrapped myself in a blanket, and sulked upstairs to get some breakfast.

“Morning!” I heard Drew say. I felt like a slob compared to him. For one, my face had makeup smeared all over because I had forgotten to take it off before I crashed.

“What’s got you all happy today?” I managed to say without falling down. I’m not sure why I was in such a droopy mood.

“Do you want some breakfast?” he smiled and continued to cook his scrambled eggs. I sat down on one of the kitchen bar stools.

“No thanks. I’ll just get some cereal or something” I poured some milk into a bowl. He laughed.

“You might want to put some cereal in the bowl before you pour milk in it, unless you were planning on getting a cat,” he joked. I attempted to giggle as I got up to get a box of cereal.

“A cat could be nice. They’re so, uhm, zazzy!” I said, pouring the cereal into the milk in my bowl. He laughed a little, pobably thinking that I stole that line from Big Bang Theory.

“Hey, Naomi?”

“Drew,” I said, not really paying attention to him because I noticed I didn’t even have a spoon for my cereal.

“Do you wanna, I don’t know, do something today?” I stopped trying to play with my breakfast without a spoon, and looked up.

“Do something? Like what?” I asked, trying to keep my cool. I know he just meant like a walk in the park as friends, but it could be that Drew was trying to ask me out! No, I thought. It can’t be. He just broke up with Vanessa, so why would he be interested in me? I bet he just wants to do something to take my mind off of this show.

“I don’t know, maybe take a walk in Central Park? It’s a beautiful day outside!” he said, and he was right. I smiled.

“Sure. That sounds nice” I gave up trying to eat my cereal and stood up. “I’ll just get ready and we’ll go” I walked out of the doorway of the kitchen, but as soon as I was out of Drew’s sight, I sprinted down the stairs to my room. I really couldn’t wait to go!

I put on some jeans and a tank top from Forever 21 and cleaned up the mess of makeup on my face, and replaced it with a new coat of makeup. Quickly slipping on my Converse, I ran to the door to where Drew stood, waiting for me.

Central Park looked amazing that day, and it was the perfect time for it to. I’m not sure what to call it, but I guess it was a date. At least I sure as hell hope it was.

We were walking for a while, talking about how I was such a great dancer, and how Drew always got amazing grades in school, and how he spilled punch on my dress at one of the school dances, and random stuff like that. We were laughing and having a great time when out of nowhere, it started raining. We started laughing harder and ran under a tree for shelter, even though the rain kept poring on us. Sun or pouring rain, I didn’t care as long as I was with my best friend.

“Drew, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What’s up?” he replied casually.

“Well, out of all the nice girls that you could’ve dated, why did you have to date Vanessa?” He stopped walking and looked at me, as if thinking, “why the hell do you ask me that now?”

“Well, Vanessa was nice,” he said, knowing that it really wasn’t true.

“Really? Well, if she was so nice then why did she totally take advantage of you?” He laughed.

“No, she didn’t. Give me one example of how she ever took advantage of me” I gave him a look that said, “Try 50 examples” He must’ve gotten the message because he said, “Okay, okay. Maybe she did a couple times, but…but…” he sighed.

“So? Why not any other girl who appreciates you and who’s actually really nice?” He stared at me.

“Because none of them were ever enough like you”

The words spun around in my head. Not enough like me? Me? That means he clearly wanted to be more than best friends. I had to do it. It had to happen, right there, right then, I thought. I leaned in to kiss him, but he already had the same idea and kissed me back.

It felt a little wrong, because Drew was my best friend, and I never would’ve thought that he would end up feeling the same way about me that I felt about him. I never would’ve guessed that this would turn out like those fairytales.

Anyways, I could stop dreaming. It wasn’t the end of the story, and I couldn’t really assume everything was gonna end up perfect when it got to the end.

I giggled like an idiot, but he just smiled.

But then I started thinking, So if we’re not just best friends, then what the hell are we now?

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