14. Wait, I Ruined Your Life? Well, This Is Awkward...

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So, I was driving to work like i did almost everyday. Driving while dancing in my seat and singing to the song on the radio. In this case, the song was "Moves Like Jagger" by Marron5.

"And it goes like this: take me by the tounge and I know you'll kiss me till I'm drunk and I'll show you all the moves like jagger i got them moves like jagger I got them MOOOOOOOVES like jagger," I sang ridiculously while the drivers in the other cars at the red light stared at me. I just rolled my eyes, but then i looked to the side of the road by Rosemary's Italian.

I shivered when I saw Vanessa sitting on the ground by the restaurant in a gray hoodie, drinking some cheap beer. As I pulled over to where she was, she saw me and her eyes widened in anger. I stepped out of my car and slammed the door, running over to  Vanessa. I just sighed and sat down next to her. She turned away from me for a second, but then turned back.

"There," she said wearily, like she was about to cry angry tears. "Are you happy? I'm homeless. I'm homeless, and hungry, and single, and...and... and just pathetic" I started to feel really terrible.

"No," I said, my eyes starting to water. "I'm not happy"

"Of course you are. You've always hated me. That's why you set out to ruin my life"

"I'm not trying to ruin your life!" I yelled in defense. Ruin her life? What is she talking about?

"Are you kidding? First, for some reason you had the worst problem with the way I treated Drew, which was perfectly fine--"

"Fine?! You treated Drew fine?! Oh, sure, you cheated on him and then you say you treated him fine?" I yelled at her.

"Look, you had some problem with me way before you ever found out I was cheating. Second of all, once i finally found a decent place to live, you just had to go and kick me out for no reason! You were so jealous of the fact that Drew loved somebody else but you, that you just couldn't have it," she yelled back.

"Well, you were pretty irratating. With all of your howling laughter and everything," I said, weakly.

"That's why? Because I liked talking  on the phone to my friends, who I don't have anymore, either! You had to tell Drew that I was cheating, so he told everyone else about it, and now they all hate me! Oh, and I'm sorry if I was ever 'too loud' for you, but I didn't ever complain when you were playing your music on full blast!" she snapped. I thought for a second. That did make sense. "Oh, and thanks for stealing BOTH of my boyfriends after you made them dump me. Yeah, don't think that I didn't see you smacking the lips off of Drew in the pouring rain!" My face got red hot with embarassment.

"Wait, how did I ever make James dump you? And how the hell did I steal him?" I asked defensively.

"I was walking past your music store, when what do I see? Oh yeah, I saw you making out with my James! I could kind of understand why you took Drew from me, but why both of them? You're calling me horrible because I was cheating, when really, you were plotting to cheat all along" She smirked. "So, as long as you've made my life miserable by telling Drew I was cheating, it would only make sense for me to make your life a living hell by telling Drew that your cheating" I stood up with my fists clenched.

"What's your problem? I'm not even cheating! James kissed me, I sware! I puled away as soon as I realized what he was doing..." I said, trailing off.

"Really? Well it must've taken you a hell of a long time to realize what he was doing. It looked to me like he had his tounge down your throat" She took a drink of beer.

"Well, what's up with your bulimia?" I said, quickly, trying to change the subject.

"If I'm out of options, might as well become a stripper in some New York City night clubs. Since I practically have no dignity left, I got nothing to lose"

"What do you mean, 'all out of options?' What about waitressing or something? And you have your Lexus?" I said, running out of suggestions.

"Waitressing? Maybe at Hooters, I guess. And I sold the Lexus," she said, casually.

"You did? Well, why don't you use the money to get a place to live?"

"It's all gone to some ugly New York gambler" She took another drink. "Yep. It's all gambled away"

"What do you mean, it's all gone? Why would you--"

"Why the hell would you care?" she cut me off.

"You know what? I don't. Bye Vanessa," I said, as I stepped back into my car and took one more look at Vanessa, who was looking at me with a resentful glare. I rolled my eyes, flipped her off and drove off to work before I could see her flip me off also. 


"So, that's how I 'ruined her life' How can she even say that?" I explained what had happened to Kitty when I got to work. She put her hands on her hips.

"Well then, you are one bad chick! Look what you did to that poor girl, now she's homeless and saying her life is over. I really didn't know you had it in you, Nay"

"What? So now you're siding with her? Kitty, how could you?" I asked dramatically. Although it wasn't sarcasm; I was a little upset.

"Hey, Kitty will do whatever Kitty wants to do, sorry honey" She frowned symathetically and patted my shoulder and went in the back to teach a piano lesson. I sighed and went up to the cash register to flip through a magazine while I wait for customers to come in.

I smiled as I saw Drew walk into the store. He smiled back with one of his famous amazing smiles.

"Hey, there. I'm Naomi, how may I help you?" I asked him jokingly.

"I was looking for someone to take to a very special dinner this evening. Do you have any of those?" he replied. I blushed.

"Oh, we have one of those right...here!" I laughed. "I'll see you tonight"

He gave me a quick kiss as he strode out the door. I stared at the doors dreamily, probably looking like I was daydreaming some ridiculous fantasy. Kitty pat me on the back, laughing.

"Nay, you got it bad, girlie," she said, shaking her head.

"Kitty!" I screamed, as she ran back to her lesson.

Then it came time for my lunch break, so I walked over to a random restaurant near the music store. I stupidly sat down at the bar, forgetting that James worked as a bartender there. Once he saw me he smiled.

"So, what can I get you?" he said, staring me down.

"Armani Signature Code, please," I said, trying to avoid eye contact with the guy i "stole" from Vanessa.

"So, how you been?" he asked while he started mixing my drink.

"Pretty confused, acctually. Why the hell did you just kiss me out of nowhere?" He looked up from his drink-mixing.

"Because. I can't stop thinking about you! I needed to see if there was still some sort of spark between us"

"What are you talking about? Sure, we dated in high school, but really? I've practically just met you!" I yelled.

"I just cant help it..." he said, kissing me again. I screamed and pulled away.

"No! Just stop! No, no, no. That's just so wrong! I'm dating Drew!" I shouted.

"Naomi wait!" he started to say something, but i just stormed out and tried to forget about it all.

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