23. OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod

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So, not many of you were very happy with the last chapter...

I'm sorry about that. But if you havn't noticed, this book is ALL about twists! So, always be expecting the craziest things to happen!


I'm EXTREMEMLY happy because this book has reached 1,034 reads!!!

I can't thank you guys enough for all of the support :)

it just makes me want to cry happy tears!!! :")

Anyway, enough of my sappy nonsense, on with the chapter!!


I had decided to relax in my Jacuzzi because of how stressed I was. I had thought that once I won the competition, everything would just go perfect from there.

Damn, was I wrong about that.

It seemed that everything was acctually going worse scince I won. As I sat there, trying to relax, I just had to think of all the things that were going wrong.

What the hell is wrong with me?! This morning, I woke up in bed with my best friend's boyfriend. I ruined Vanessa's life and now she's a stripper who get's paid by teenage boys to-- I can't even stand myself. I can't trust my boyfriend because I think he's cheating on me with my best friend. How much more messed up could this be?!

My thought's were interrupted by Margaux stepping into the Jacuzzi. Did she have her own key to my house or something?

"Mind if I join you?" she said with a laugh. I smiled at her, even though in my mind I was throwing a tantrum like a three year old. "So, Nay, what are you thinking about? You looked like you were arguing with yourself in your head" It was almost annoying how well she knew me!

“Oh, nothing…” I trailed off suspiciously, even though I knew she would see right through it. Instead of looking at me suspiciously the was she always did, she just shrugged and looked away for a second.

“So, how have you been?” she asked, making the conversation suddenly akward. If she had asked that any other day, it would’ve been completely normal. But since I slept with her boyfriend, everything she said seemed to make me feel guilty.


“Oh, I’m just fine. You looked a little upset” I relaxed a little. I couldn’t tell if she knew or not, but either way she could tell I felt guilty about something.

“No, I’m alright”

That was not like our usual conversations at all. It was tense, awkward, suspicious, and just uncomfortable. I couldn’t tell if she knew anything or not. She kept giving me mixed signals. Then, she just started laughing out of nowhere.

“What?!” I asked, trying to understand her random laughter.

“When were you gonna tell me that you slept with my boyfriend?” she asked in between giggles. I froze in embarrassment

She knows?! How could she know? Levi probably couldn’t stand keeping it from her…

“Margaux, I’m so sorry. You don’t even know how sorry I am! Last night was just so confusing, and different, and strange… We went to a club and got very drunk and…and…Vanessa was there…I’m so sorry you just have to believe me!” I pleaded. She just laughed harder. “Why are you laughing?!”

“Naomi, I know! It’s alright!” she giggled.

“How could you be okay with this?!” I screamed, very confused.

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