30. Oh, Brother. Literally.

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"Naomi, just go back home! You made up with him, and you're all good again. So, why are you still at my house?" Margaux nagged.

"You just wan't me out so you can have Levi over for some..fun," I giggled. She made a sour face at me.

"Uhm...why would you think that? That's none of your business, Nay! Now, just shoo!" she yelled, embarassed. I laughed harder.

"Seriously? You are! You just need to get him on your side so you can tell him about the baby. Well, I hate to say it, but either way he's gonna be mad"

"Seriously?! Gawd, this blows. Why did I have to sleep with-"

Then, Levi burst through the door, unexpectedly. I just jumped a little, but he nearly gave Margaux a heart attack! If he had only come one second later...

"I'm gonna be a father! I'm gonna be a father!" he chanted, doing a little dance. Margaux smiled uncomforatbly.

"Yeah..." she said hesitantly.

"I was thinking, you won't be able to work while your pregnant. And, if I'm gonna be a father, I need a real job! So--"

"Levi, tell me you didn't..." Margaux begged. He grinned.

"I got a real job! Say hello to the new assistant reporter of The New York Times!" he shouted proudly. She groaned.

"Wow! Congradulations! DId they just give it to you?" I sked in amazement, sseriously enjoying this little scene.

"Well, one of my really good friends is one of the co-editors, so he suggested me and I'm in!"

"Wait. What do you know about reporting?" I asked.

"How hard can it be? I need to do something to support my baby," he said in an exaggerated voice, rubbing Margaux's stomach. I couldnt help but laugh at Margaux's annoyed look. She narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"Levi, it might not even be yours!" she screamed accidentally, covering her mouth after. His eyes widened.

"What are you talking about? Margaux who else could..." he trailed off sadly.

"But, don't worry, honey.. I'll get an abortion and it'll all be over," she pleaded.

"No! We're going over to that doctor of yours and making sure. And you obviously aren't gonna tell me who else's baby it could be. I guess we'll have to see at the doctor's tomorrow," he decided, faking strength. Maybe Margaux believed him, but I saw staright through his little act. I could tell that inside, he was breaking down with tears.

I glanced over at Margaux, who said "I love you," through her tears as he walked out the door.


"Hey, you know how we're getting married?" I said stupidly to Drew, gazing out at our beautiful view of midnight Manhattan. He laughed at me.

"Best decision I've ever made. What about it?"

"I don't know. I'm just really happy that it's still happening," I said, smiling. He made a confused face.

"Why wouldn't it be--" I raised my eyebrows at him, reminding him of how we both cheated on each other. "Oh, that"

"Yeah. That. Well, It just shows that we can last through anything now" I smirked and laid my head down on his shoulder.


"You know, when we were little, I always dreamed we would get married" He laughed at that remark. I slapped his arm. "What?! It's happening, isn't it?"

A Simply Complicated Love Story [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now