5. Posh? Whom? Vanessa Really Has Made Me Go Crazy

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We were home, finally, away from that crazy night. We, being Drew and I. Vanessa still wasn’t back yet. It was 1:00 am! Suddenly, the phone rang. At this time? Maybe it's Vanessa. I reluctantly answered.


“Good morning, miss” Yeah, 1 am! “Is this the home of Vanessa Celeste?” a deep voice answered.

“With whom am I speaking?” Posh! When have I ever said whom? Or posh, for that matter. This person sounded important, so I tried my best to sound formal.

“This is officer Carlos Hall, from the New York City Police Department” the police?

“What does this have to do with Vanessa?” I asked.

“She was caught stealing four Jimmy Choo handbags and shoes from the mall” Stealing? Really Vanessa?

“We’ll be right over” I mumbled.

“Drew! We need to go to the police station,” I yelled to Drew from upstairs.

“Why?” he yelled back.

“Your genius girlfriend was caught stealing!”

“No she wasn’t,” he said. Please.

“Really? Explain the call from the police at 1 in the morning!” I yelled at him. It was like we’re married!

“Fine, I’ll go down with you”

We left for the police station and in the car. I rolled my eyes as I slammed the door shut.

“Drew, one more call from the police, and I am going to tear her out of our story, out of our house, out of New York, out of my life”


We got to the police station to find Vanessa there. Her eyes were all puffy, and red. She was crying! I never thought I'd see the glorious day when she actually cried! I was happy for a second, but then I wondered what Drew was thinking. Would he dump her? I crossed my fingers, but slapped myself. This is no time to be stupid. I saw Drew talking to Vanessa.

“Why’d you do it?” he asked sternly. He was mad. He was never mean at all!

“I didn’t mean to Drewy, it was just—“

“Don’t you ‘Drewy’ me, Vanessa. This isn't okay” he snapped. I felt so proud of my best friend!

“Well I was just...uuh...“ He looked at her this really mad look. Is this the end? Maybe crossing your fingers does work! I crossed my arms and legs. Damn, I must look like a freaking idiot! I heard a laugh.  But it was a familiar laugh, even though I couldn’t recognize who! I looked over and saw James! Here? Oh, god! Drew might see and— wait. This is really good!

I turned back to Drew and Vanessa. She was crying again. I think it was actually real!

“Drew, please don’t leave me! I have no place to go, and if you—“

Don’t give in drew! I pleaded to myself.

“This wont happen again” he said, and led her to the car.

My heart stopped. Are you kidding me? The one chance of hope, and it fails. Seriously? I kicked the desk, and heard James laugh again. Wait. Drew left without me! Ugh this is going to be super awkward, but unfortunately, James is my only way home unless I wanted to pay a taxi.

“Why are you here?” I asked before realizing how rude it sounded

“Hey, I do my share of crimes too” Perfect. A wannabe bad boy. Just what I need right now.

“Look James, I kind of need a ride home” I said very randomly, which made it even more awkward than it was already.

“Sorry, cant”

I slapped him and sat on the bench. I guess I’m walking home.

I walked over to the front desk there. The girl there was surprisingly young, she looked about 21, my age.

“Hi” I said to her.

“Hello, how may we help you?” she chirped in this high and perky voice. It sounded faintly familiar.

“I would like to request a remembrance of this name here,” I said, surprising myself (again) by how formal I sounded.

“Which name?”

“Vanessa Celeste” Why does that witches name have to be so beautiful?

“Vanessssaaaa Celllleeeeeeeeeste” she said as she typed it into the computer. “Oh sorry” Great. What now?

“What?” I asked.

“I’m afraid she’s already in our computer, but may I please have your name?”

“Naomi Duchess” My name wasn’t that bad either.

The girl screamed, leaped out of her chair, by now every1 was staring, and gave me a huge hug.

“Naomi Duchess! I can’t believe it!” she screamed.

“Hum, excuse me, not to be rude but who are you and why are you praising me?” This made no sense, but she did sound familiar.

She stopped.

“Sorry, you probably don’t remember me.” That helps.

“Who are you?”

“Margaux Paul!” Margaux Paul, Margaux Paul, it rings a bell. “Wait, wait, wait,” she said. She went into a room and came out with a picture of a sixth-grade class. I recognized her immediately.

“MARGAUX?” I screamed and hugged her. Everyone was staring strangely at us. But I didn’t care. She was my best friend in high school, but she moved to France and for college and I never saw her again! She must’ve moved back to New York without telling me!

“I can’t believe its you!!” she yelled.

“Here, come over to my house.”

“Wait. I’m on a shift. PATRICK! COVER MY SHIFT!” she yelled. Yes, it was the same Margaux.

“Let's go, we need to catch up!” and with that we ran out screaming.



haha this is dedicated to my real bestie <3 the REAL Margaux

btw, its pronnounced MAR-GO

just sayin! :)

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