19. New York Talent, Manhattan: Part 2

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Here's New York Talent, Manhattan: Part 2!!

This chapter decides Naomi's destiny soooo


love ya! enjoy :)


My stomach felt like a butterfly pavilion, but all the butterflies were trying to find their way out. I wasextremely nervous, if any of you didn't quite understand that metaphor.

I was sitting backstage with Chazz and Christina (who turned out to be brother and sister) because they wouldn't let Margaux or Levi backstage with me. Instead, they were in the first row in the audience, along with Drew, Kitty, and Missy.

"TEN MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME!" rang from the giant speakers. I covered my ears, but then I realised what it had actually said. I then started to freak out.

"Chris! What if I'm in the winning three?! What will I do for a last minute performance?! Oh god, oh god, oh god" I started to breath heavily. Chazz gave me a hug.

"Just breath. Relax and breath steadily, then count to ten. By the time you reach ten, you should be completely relaxed. This is what my boyfriend Garret taught me to do before any of my shows. He's a yoga teacher, he specializes in relaxation" I closed my eyes and began to do what Chazz showed me.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Whew, I feel so much better.  Thanks, Chazz," I said in a very relaxed state.


Then, I heard someone chanting my name on the side of the stage. Of course, it was James. I started to panic again.

"Ohmigodohmigodohmigod. How the hell am I going to do the show knowing that he's out there?! What if he messes this all up for me?! What am I gonna do!" I screamed, returning to my heavy breathing.

"Wait, who's out there?" Chris asked, concerned.

"James. I dated him in high school, and somehow he's back in my life again, and even though I have a boyfriend, he's convinced that he's going to be with me. And THAT won't be happening anytime soon. I don't see why he cant just fcking get over me!" 

"Shshsh. Language! We're on TV!" Chazz said, immediately covering his mouth afterwards. I screamed.

"I can't do this!" I screamed, running to the bathroom. I slammed the bathroom door and splashed some water on my face, ruining my makeup. I then blotted my face with a towel and looked up into the mirror. Makeup was smeared all across my face. I started sobbing into my hands, sitting down on the bathroom floor. I took one of my boots off and threw it across the room.

Then, I heard a noise and looked up. Jess came from out from one of the bathroom stalls. She looked like she had been crying, also. She sat down next to me.

"Hey. What's wrong?" she said. I didn't need her pity right now, but Drew would want me to talk it out instead of lashing it out on someone else.

"Nothing. I just panicked, about the competition, about everything. And now I can't go on because my makeup is ruined. Look at me, I'm a mess. I wouldn't win anyway, because that b1tch..." I stopped talking, remembering who I was talking to. She rolled her eyes.

"No, I know I'm a b1tch. That's all my boyfriends ever said to me. Yeah, I know" I then felt kind of bad for her. She at least needs a nice boyfriend. "I guess I always needed to win those stupid contests to feel at least a little good about myself"

"Well, then go out there. Go and win again, it's not like you can control it now" She shook her head.



"No. First, we're going to go fix your makeup. Then, you're going to go and win that fckingcompetition," she said as she dragged me back to my dressing room.


Christina had already performed, and she was fantastic. I was starting to think she would win instead of Jess, who I now kind of respected. She had tried to be nice to me, and I like that about her. Anyways, she had decided not to even perform because "everyone deserved to win more than her," in her words.

We were all watching everyone's performances on a monitor backstage. Molly's performance was insane. Darren's stand-up routine was so  hilarious, I almost fell over because I was laughing so hard. Soon, more and more people had finished their performances and before I knew it, it was my turn to go on to the stage and sing.

I walked onstage and sat down at the white grand piano they had provided me with. I listened as the announcer said my name and it was all on me to start playing. I took one last look at the insanely huge audience before I started playing the piano.

I remembered Drew's words, what he had said about forgetting all the world, just focusing on the music and nothing else. I sang it perfectly without thinking, and played it the same way. Before I knew it, the song ended and everyone in the audience stood up out of their seats and started cheering. Cheering wildly! I looked down at Missy, Margaux, Levi, Kitty, and Drew. I looked down at the judges, and one of them looked like they were crying. I took that as a good sign.

At that moment, I stood up and curtsied, feeling amazing. It was the best feeling ever, almost impossible to describe.


We were all lined up on stage, the bottom three: Me, Chris, and Darren.

I could tell that they were pretty nervous. Then again, how could you not be at a a time like that? I, however, was scared straight out of my mind. I had no idea what was going to happen. Absolutely no clue.

Darren was first for his on-the-spot performance. I wouldn't have any idea what to do if I were him. He had to make up a whole speech, right there, and it had to be hilarious! he did fine, but it wasn't as funny as his first routine.

Then Chris had to sing her song. She did great, amazing, really. Her voice was so beautiful she could sing anything. I thought for sure she would win, but I still wasn't going to slack off on my last-minute performance. I had decided on the Lady Gaga song, "Edge of Glory" However, his version was slower than the original, and was played on my guitar instead of piano. I hoped they liked it. They just had to love it, or else I had no chance.

Finally, they called my name. I stepped out onto the stage and looked out to the first row of the audience. I saw Drew's smile, and I seemed to regain all my confidence. I played the song, and sang my freakin heart out, but it was all worth the applause in the end.

Then, we were all lined up, once again. First the judges announced third place, that was Darren. Then, once the applause died, Matt Moore stood up from he judges panel.

"I am happy to say that the winner of this year's New York Talent winner is: my daughter, Jessica Moore!" he announced with a smile, but after a second everyone started booing.

"What the fck?! She didn't even perform!" Chris yelled. I stepped up also.

"How about the audience decides?" I suggested, my arms crossed. The audience cheered at that, and poor Mr. Moore gave in.

"Alright, alright. Whoever gets the most applause when your name is called wins. Christina?" An insane amount of people cheered. I started to feel a little anxious, like maybe I shouldnt've suggested that. "Naomi?" Then, to my surprise, the same amount of people clapped and screamed. Matt Moore shrugged. A woman judge stood up and raised her arms.

"Congratulate the two winners of New York Talent: Manhattan! Christina Keene and Naomi Duchess!" she yelled in excitement. I stood in shock. I won! Kind of... "Unfortunately, since there are two winners this year, we can't afford shows for each of you in California. However, you will both be awarded with recording contracts and concerts here in New York"

Unfortunately? Unfortunately?! That was great news! Now, I wouldn't have to leave all of my friends behind. I was on top of the world!



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