15. AH! How Did This Happen?!

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I finally got home from a rather long day at work, and threw myself on the couch.  Then, I remembered that Drew told me he wanted to go to dinner, so I got up, fixed my hair quickly, reapplied my makeup, and put on a little yellow sundress.

Then, I sat down innocently on the couch, pretending to be reading a book and acted like I had totally forgotten about dinner. Drew walked in shortly after and leaned against the chair across from me.

"Ready?" he said, smiling.

"Oh, is it time for dinner already?" I said, fakely. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see..." He said with an evil smirk as he covered my eyes with a bindfold.

"Hey! I can't see!" I yelled.

"That's the point! Here, I'll lead you to it. Take my hand"

Drew lead me up a twisted staircase, and then I felt a cold breeze on my shoulders.

"Okay, Take it off! Now!" I shouted.

"Geez. Don't you think it's a litte soon for that, Nay?" I slapped his arm.

"The blindfold, idiot. I meant the blindfold!" He laughed and took it off of my eyes, and Is aw that we were on the roof. There's a porch on the roof? How come I didn't know that? It's my house! I thought. There was a table set with two chairs and a  little heater next to it. On the table, there were two champagne glasses, each filled. Drew had decorated it all with really pretty lights, and of course there was an AMAZING view of New York at night. It all looked so festive.

"Wow," I managed to say. He laughed and pulled out a chair for me.

"Your chair, Madam," he said in a goofy French accent.

"Why, thank you," I said, sitting down. I then heard music, and looked behind me to see Drew fiddling with his iPod. "Bella Notee" stated to play. I laughed.

"Dinner?" he said (still in the French accent), and he placed a gormet pasta dish in the middle of the table.

"What's this?" I asked, gigling a little. "Ooooh! We should do that thing that they do in "Lady and the Tramp"! You know, with the string of spaghetti. That would be so cute," I squealed. He gave a look that said, "Really? Okay, but only because I love you"

We were talking and laughing, having the best time ever. We did end up doing the "Lady and the Tramp" thing that I wanted to do, and even though I got pasta sauce on my nose it was fun. We also danced around the patio, swaying side to side and laughing whenever I stepped on his feet.

We were sitting on a little bench, looking up at the full moon and all the stars.

"This is perfect," I said. "You really didn't have to go through all of this--" I was about to say "trouble just for me," but he kissed me before I could. I didn't pull away until after a while because it seemed like he didn't want me to.

"I love you, and you know that," he whispered.

"I love you more, and I always have," I whispered back, my eyes fluttering.

Before I knew it, I woke up. Was that all just a dream? I really hope it wasn't. That was probably the best night of my life!

I looked around me. I was in Drew's bed. He next to me, still asleep. Oh god, I thought. I reluctantly looked down. Yep. I was in my bra, and in bed with Drew. I cannot believe that just happened. How did I forget that? Nope, now I remember. I would've never imagined that me and Drew...

Ah! How did I let this happen?! How are things ever going to be normal with Drew and I again? I hadn't even taken the pill... god, I am NOT pregnant. I'm not even going to get think about that right now. Drew is my best friend! To do that with him... its just doesn't seem very right!

Relax, Naomi, my consience told me. You already live with Drew. You've been his best friend for ages. Now, you guys are finally dating, and it's everything that you've ever hoped for in a relationship. So what are you so freaked out about.

My consience was right. I had nothing to worry about. As for being pregnant... Let's just hope that wouldn't happen anytime soon. I just tried to relax and lied back down in the bed.


"So tell me! I can't wait any longer! What's the 'urgent news'," Margaux urged eagerly. We had gone out for frozen yougurt after I texted her that I had "urgent news" for her. I took a bite of my yougurt to stall and just irritate her.

"Well," I said, swallowing my yougurt slowly. "Last night, Drew made a special dinner for us. It was just perfect. It was on the roof and there were lights and everything"

"Wait, the roof?"

"I know. I didn't know that there was a patio on my own roof! Anyway, we ate and we danced and were having the best time ever. Then, we were kissing, and thats all I thought it was gonna be...then we were making out, and then second base and then...we kind of went to the bedroom..." I trailed off awkwardly, but that was the only way I knew how to phrase it. Margaux nearly fell on the floor in shock.

"WHAT?! Really? You finally hooked up with Drew! Thank god, he's been talking my ear off about it ever since he and Vanessa--" she stopped. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, I know that he had s3x with Vanessa" I shivered. "Unfortunately, when she lived with us, they were always getting busy. I could tell because...they were just so freaking loud! I hate to even think about it. Besides, what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, not to embarass him, but he said that he always wished it was you, and sometimes even imagined it was!" she said, trying to keep from laughing. I made a shocked face.

"Since when does he tell you all of this?"

"Since I started going to your house to when you're at work," she remarked casually.

"Coming to my house? Why?" I asked in shock. She hadn't told me any of this!

"For one thing, you have the huge TV with on demand, you always seem to have good food in the fridge, you have that nice workout room, the pool...I could just go on and on. Anyway, Drew is kind of just used to having me there, so he always tells me stuff. I'm like his personal journal," she explained.

"What else do I not know about you?!" I shouted. Why couldn't she have told me all of this?

"Uhm..well...let's not get off topic! You finally slept with Drew, so be proud!" she rambled, trying quickly to change the subject. 

"Okay, whatever. But I still need to figure out what this deal with Vanessa is all about"

Margaux's iPhone buzzed with a text. She looked at it and her face lit up.

"Looks like I'm gettin' some soon!" she sang as she lept up and ran for the yogurt shop door.

"Wait, hold on a second there! The contest is on Saturday! It's Thursday! Can you come by tomorrow with Levi? I need to show him the song, to see if it's being played right"

"Sure. See ya!" she said, sprinting out of the store.

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