11. I Told You So!!

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Hey i'm sorry that a lot of these chapters are really short!!

I'm not saying that this one isn't, but i would just like to apologize to those  who are anti-short chapters. if thats even a thing.

anyway, there are a lot of chapters, with more to come, so don't worry how short they are! just enjoy!

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So, right after my "date" with Drew ended, I kissed him on the cheek and drove off to Margaux's apartment to tell her the news.

I drove up into her neighborhood, when on the side of the road I see James fighting with some blonde chick. But as soon as I saw her face I recognized her instantly. Vanessa.

They were yelling at each other, and i drove up and down the street to hear what they were saying a little better.

"Vanessa, I can't just let you live with me! You dumped me for that d0uche, Drew. You can't expect me to just take you back!" I heard James yell at her.

"What the Hell, James? What happened to 'I will always have your back, Vanessa'? Or where did 'I promise, Vanessa' ever go?" She barked back at him.

"You wanna know what happened to it? You wanna know where it went? Okay, it all went straight down the crapper when you had the goddamn nerve to leave me for a guy with more money. So how the Hell do you come crawling back and expect me to grant all of your wishes to your heart's content just because we WERE together?" He yelled angirly. Not that I blame him, because there have been countless times when I've wanted to cuss her out of my life like that.

"Fine then!! I'll just go then, I don't need you. I would be more than happy to leave to a place where you dont exist, Drew doesn't exist, and that freaking Naomi chick doesn't exist either!! If you hate me so much, then i'll just leave, and never see you again!" She screamed, as she threw a suitcase at his head, knocking him down. With that she just scoffed and dragged all of her other bags with her. I sighed and pulled up to the curb in front of James lying on the ground.

"Hey, hon" I reached out my hand to him and he grabbed it and jumped up. I chuckled. "Well, someone had to say it, right?" He laughed.

"Haha, yeah. Oh, and sorry for calling Drew a d0uch," he replied with a smile. 

"Oh , its fine. I guess anyone who would date that whack-job is probably a d0uche," I winked and said, knowing that James dated her, also. "Anyway, I better get going to my friend. She's waiting for me but, hey, call me" I hopped into my car again and drove to Margauxs place.


I knocked on her apartment door, and she opened it after a second. But not all the way, like she was trying to hide something or someone inside."Hey, girlie," she said nervously. She tilted her head so that she could see inside. "Hey, can u chill a sec? Thanks" she closed the door slightly and rushed into the next room. I heard some whispering, and shoving, and Margaux was back at the door.         "Come on in," she said. I laughed, walked in and sat on the couch.

"Do i even need to ask what that was all about?" i asked, giggling. She punched me in the arm.

"Please don't..."

 "Okay, i dont need to" I looked at her slyly, and she lookd abck at me suspiciously. "LEVI?" i yelled. She clapped her hand to her fore head.

"...WHAT?" i heard him yell back, as he walked awkwardly into the living room with his shirt on backwards. Margaux and i just stared at him until he walked out the door. Once he was gone, i fell back in laughter at Margaux.

 "Okay, okay. Get it over with. Laugh at me and tell you that you told me so" i gasped for breath from my laughing attack.

"I told you! I SO told you so!! Oh god, you hooked up with Levi! I told you so, i told you so!" i sang as she sighed. Then, she looked up at me and smiled.

 "Well at least I did something abou it! You just sigh over Drew all day, and you don't ever do anything about it!" I blushed, remembering the real reason i came over to Margaux's.

"Yeah, uhm, about that..." Her jaw dropped open as soon as i said it.

"You dog!!" she yelled. i pushed her off the couch.  

"NO!! Oh god, no. That didn't happen!!! But we did go on a date, and he kissed me!" She sighed in relief.

 "At least you finally did SOMETHING! Hey, i wasn't supposed say anything before but now that you're dating i can probably let it slip," she said slyly. i narrowed my eyes at her.

"What are you talking about?" She smirked.

"Well," she said, trying to stall by looking at her manicure. "Recently, when i went over to your house, you said you had to drive over to work for some reason. So, i was chilling on your couch watching your TV when  Drew comes and sits next to me. I just looked at him, as if saying 'what do you want?' He just rolled his eyes and paused the movie i was watching. I scolded him, but he just said, 'Listen, ok? I know you and Naomi are really close, so can you tell me something?' I replied by saying, 'Why don't you just ask her yourself? You're her best friend anyway, and i can go back to watching my movie' Then, i reached for the remote but he slapped it out of my hand before i could resume Black Swan. 'No. I need to know if she loves me, at least, the way I love her'," i gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me? And what did you tell him?" i asked, angirly.

"Woa, cool it girl. One: As much as I love a good gossip story, i promised i wouldn't say anything. And even though I might do a lot of things, I don't break my promises. Two: I told him that I would not do such a thing, but I would agree to keep it a secret if he let me keep watching Natalie Portman turn into a duck, or whatever that movie was about"

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