28. The Not-So Secret Life of The French Margaux

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As soon as I FINALLY got home from saving Vanessa's life, I flopped down on the couch. I didn't even bother going to Margaux's house because I was sure that she had seen what happened on TV already, and she would understand why I was so exhausted.

Holy shit, holy shit. I'm screwed! It was on the news! Everything she said about me...what if Drew saw it?!  Dear God, please, PLEASE tell me he was at work or something! PLEASE tell me he didn't see it!

He walked into the living room as I was praying. My relationship with Drew was at risk! He was smiling, so i took that as I good sign. Just play it cool, I told myself. Just act normal, and he won't suspect anything...

"Hey, honey," I sang. He laughed at my cheesy sing-song tone, but he had no idea how much I wanted to scream just then.

"Hey. Did you hear? Vanessa was about to jump off of a bridge. Somebody talked her out of it, though. Kenneth told me there was some pretty good coverage on the news. Good thing I recorded it! Here, watch it with me," he said, oblivious to the fact that my eye was starting to twitch.

"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea..." I started awkwardly. I quickly tried to change the subject. "Wait, who's Kenneth?"

"You know, Kenneth? From the gym? And why can't we watch it?"

"Uhm..." I said, panicing and running out of options. "Because Jersey Shore's on! We can't miss it!" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Come on. Can't you miss Snookie falling off of a stripper pole for one week?"

I sighed, knowing that my plan had failed. I guess I would just have to come out with the truth.

"Fine. Let's watch it"

I took the remote and flipped to the recording. Bracing myself, I reluctantly clicked the "play" button.

There was a news lady talking about it in a studio for a while, talking about how she was cussing everyone out, and they assumed that she was drugged.

Then, it showed the coverage. It was her standing on the ledge, cursing everyone she knew. Drew kind of gasped at what she said about him.

Then came the dreaded moment. What she said about me. How I cheated, took advantage of drew, bla bla bla bla. I knew that it wasn't true, what she was saying, but apparently Drew didn't. He turned to me with a hurt look in his eye.

"Is that true, Naomi?! Did you really cheat on me?! You told me James kissed you out of nowhere. That hurt me, but I could deal with it. Now, is what she saying true?! And don't lie to me, Naomi. I can't take any more lies from you!" He yelled. I choked back tears.

"Fine! Sure, it's true! But I was drunk! I never meant for anything to happen! We both thought that you were cheating on us. I was going to tell you, but then you proposed and--and-- everything was just going so perfect! I didn't want to screw everything up!"

"Who was it?" he asked sternly. I paused for a second, and said the name quietly under my breath. "Who?!"

"Levi! It was Levi, okay?!" I screamed.

"Naomi, how could you do that to me?!"

"You know what?! I don't want to deal with this right now. I'm gonna stay at Margaux's tonight so I can sort things out. I think you should do some thinking, too," I shouted angrily, running downstairs. He trailed behind me.

"Fine. Just one question"

"What do you want?"

"How would Vanessa know about this?"

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