32. Keep Your Eyes Shut Tight!

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I saw Dylan, and he looked just like I remembered him. Hot. He was INSANELY hot. I still love Drew, but I have to say Dylan looked like a Hollister model. It was crazy how good looking this guy was. If Kitty saw him...

Anyway, I kept my cool for Drew's sake. I still thought he was hot, but I also thought he was a d0uchebag for finding a way to come to Manhattan just so he could screw up his brother's marriage. I hoped karma was mean to him.

"Hey, bro! How's it going?" he said, giving Drew a "bro-hug"

"Hey, D," Drew said dryly. Dylan turned to me and his eyes widened.

"Miss Naomi! You're looking lovely, as always. And, wow! Did you get your breasts done? They look fantastic!" he shouted. My mouth dropped.

"Dylan," I managed to say.

"You know, it was hell trying to get over here. They canceled all the flights to Manhattan! I had to fly to Long Island, then take trains and taxis to get to your place"

I sighed. I should've known that he'd find a way to get here. Stupid Debbie.

"D, why don't you go to your hotel--"

"DYLAN!" Drew's mother sang, rushing down the stairs with open arms. Dylan smiled (I hate to say it, but it was almost as amzing as Drew's smile) and ran inside to greet his mother.

"Mom! It's so great to see you!" he yelled, hugging her. Please.

"Honey, dad and I will take you to your hotel. No more taxi's for you!"

With that, they all piled into OUR car, without asking or warning. I looked at Drew and sat down on the floor, putting my head in my hands.

"I'm really sorry, Drew"

"For what?! You canceled ALL the flights to Manhattan to stop him from coming. How can you be sorry that he's a jerk?" I smiled at Drew. He could always make me feel better.


I was making french toast because it always seemed to make me feel good. And I felt pretty bad.  Drew told me never to worry, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't help thinking that I might actually become attracted to Dylan. Only because he was so, so, SO HOT.

As I was making my breakfast, I felt someone put his hands on my waist and start to kiss my neck. Assuming it was Drew, I giggled and looked up. I screamed and jumped onto the countertop as soon as I saw Dylan's face instead.

"What the fck, Dylan?!" I screamed. He only did that sexy half-smirk that Drew always did. I closed my eyes tight so I couldn't see his hot face anymore.

"Just having some fun," he replied.

"How the hell did you get into my house?!" I screamed again. I didn't really care at that point. "You know what, just go! Get out of my house!"

"Come on, where's the fun in that?"

"Dylan, I'm not kidding. You need to leave now" My eyes were still shut tight. I wasn not opening them until he left. I needed to be as far from him as possible.

I heard him laugh slightly and i heard his footsteps out of the kitchen. I opened one eye to make sure that he was completely gone. I sighed in relief and hopped off of the countertop.

I went back to making my french toast, when I heard shouting from downstairs. Then a door slammed, and then scilence. Drew came rushing up the steps to the kitchen.

"How did he get in here?! You didn't let him in, did you?" he asked with an annoyed tone.

"Of course I didnt!"

"My mom probably gave him their key. What was he doing here, anyway?" I looked at the floor.

"I made french toast!" I said akwardly.

"Nay, what was he doing here?" he scolded. I sighed in defeat. I hated it when he was even a little mad at me.

"He made a move on me..." I caved. He gasped.

"I'm gonna kill him"

"No, Drew don't. I think he's only tricking you into thinking that he wants me. That's how he'll screw this up. We can't let him win"

"Are you defeding him because you are attracted to him? Do you like him?" he accused. I gasped.

"What?! Of course not! How could you even say that?! I'm not attracted to hom at all!" I lied. He raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief. "Okay, maybe just a little bit. But, like microscopically. He's just..."


"Yes. He's really hot. There, I said it"

"Hotter than me?"

"No, not hotter than you! Can we just end this right now, please?"

Drew rolled his eyes and walked down the stairs. He walked up to the door and put his hand on the doorknob. I stopped him.

"Where are you going?" I scolded, even though I really didn't want to fight.



"I'm going out"

With that, he left. Tears filled up in my eyes and I ran upstairs onto the balcony, where I always cried when no one else was around. The wind always blew my tears away.

I sat down on one of the chairs and sobbed into my hands. I couldn't believe that I messed everything up again. Right when it was starting to go my way.

"Hey, Naomi"

I turned around and saw Dylan leaning in the doorway. I cried even harder.

"What do you want, Dylan?"

"I wanted to tell you, I really do like you. You're actually really cool, and my brother's real lucky to have you. You know you mean the world to him, right?"

"I guess. Right now it doesn't seem like it"

"He doesn't mean what he says, you know. And he'd be the biggest idiot in the world to hurt you"

"Wait. Why are you helping me? I thought you hated Drew?"

"Nah. I'm not such a bad guy though, right?" he whispered. I shook my head.

"I guess not..."

He stared straight into my eyes, and had me almost hyptnotized.  I couldn't help it. He was completely gorgeous.

He kissed me, and I was so caught up in the rush of the moment that I didn't fully realize what was happening until I opened my eyes. I screamed and punched him in the nose. He grabbed his nose in pain and I jumped up from the chair. I steped backwards and backed into the railing.

He smiled eagerly and rushed over to me. I braced myself and clung on tight to the railing. He grabbed my waist.

"Let me go," I barked.

"I never thought you'd be the bitchy type, Naomi. Let's see where that additude goes when you're falling from this balcony, huh?"

I gasped and wished and wished that Drew would come to my rescue when I needed him most...



<3 Sooorrryyy I wil write the wedding in a couple of chapters but Dylan is adding so much drama I just love it!

luv yaa chezkerz1 for this amazing idea!! :D

FaN VotE CommenT !!!

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