20. Too Much Hate For Me To Deal With!

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SO, did you like the last chapter?!


But, I might need a little help on the next couple chapters...SO PLEASE leave a comment on what you want to happen! :)

Now, enjoy! <3


"I knew you would win, Nay!" Margaux shouted, holding up her wine glass. "Here's to Naomi!"

Everybody clinked their glasses together and shouted "Cheers!"

Drew had taken Margaux, Levi, and I out to a classy restaurant to celebrate my victory. Missy would've come also, but she wanted to go because she had left Kaylie with a babysitter while Kurt was at work. Kitty would've joined also, but she had to work late at the store.

"Hey, thanks you guys. I really couldn't have won without your support. Well, I kind of won..."

"What are you talking about? You totally won! I still can't believe Jess, that little bi--" Margaux started to say, but I cut her off.

"She's actually not! I was surprised also, but I wouldn't have won if she didn't help me..." I stopped myself quickly. I didn't really feel like telling the story of how I broke down in the bathroom. "You know what? Let's not talk about Jess right now"

Margaux looked at me suspiciously, but shrugged it off. She then gave Drew her "get it done" look, to which he shook his head. Meanwhile, Levi was pretending to be interested in his glass of wine.

"So," Drew broke the awkward silence. "Margaux, how's the job search coming?"

Through all my craziness of worrying about the competition, I had almost forgotten that Margaux was looking for a job! She was always complaining about how she could never keep a job because she was always calling her boyfriends on the job.

"Well, I was actually gonna apply to Rosemary's Italian so I can be with this guy all day," Margaux sang as she clung on to Levi's arm.

"That's a great idea. But I'm sure the policy is against making out while working!" Drew said, trying to keep a straight face. I didn't even bother trying to; I burst out laughing. Margaux slapped my arm, but then crashed her lips on Levi's, startling him.

I started laughing hysterically again, but my laughter ceased as I heard familiar obnoxious giggles.


"Excuse me, Drew, I need to use the girl's room. You can stay here and enjoy the Levi and Margaux Show," I said with a fake smile as I walked off to look for Vanessa.

I finally saw her at the bar in the tiniest black dress that I had ever seen. She was with a man...actually, it looked more like a boy in high school. She was massively flirting with him. What the hell is she doing?! I walked over to her and grabbed her by the arm. She gave me a death glare, but then smiled sweetly at the boy.

"Nicolas, baby, will you give me a second? I need to take care of some unfinished business, but it'll only take a second. I promise," she flirted. I dragged her into the women's restroom.

"What the hell are you doing here?! And who is that boy?" I yelled fiercely at her. She crossed her arms and smirked.

"That boy's name is Nicolas. He's a 17-year-old senior in high school, and his girlfriend just dumped him. Turns out, his parents are filthy rich, and he needed something to cheer him up on a Saturday night," she said evilly, her arms still crossed.

"That boy is under-aged! What's wrong with you? Do you really have to stoop so low that you have to have desperate little boys pay you to--" I shivered. "It's wrong, Vanessa" She shrugged.

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