1. Miss Gaga of New York

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This is my first story on here, I hope you like ittt!

Also, if you like this story, check out the second book, Not So Simply Complicated. It's not finished yet, but I think you'll like it(:

***all rights reserved

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"But why? Why don’t you just give up on her? You're your own person. You need to speak up for yourself, and she cant make you feel like you can’t freaking do that! It’s just wrong. And you have to understand that, Drew. Its just human nature". I couldn’t believe that I had to tell this to my best friend every day after his girlfriend did something messed up. This time, she had stood him up on his date at a very exclusive (and expensive!) restaurant.

He replied, again, “I know, and I do understand. But she… She’s just-"

"Terrible for you! Drew, I don’t know how to tell you this so that you'll understand, but you need to stop seeing her!" I said this with a raised tone this time. He could'nt think that I was going to be fine with this argument day after day.

"I’m sorry, but I just cant. She's everywhere I look, in everything I do. I think I might even--"

"Don’t you say that! You don't love her, believe me. It's as FAR from love as you can get. I can’t believe you! She’s just taking advantage of you. And all your money?! How can you not see that? Drew, she’s just going to grab as much cash as she can, run off, and then run back to smear you on the bottom of her shoe!"

"She’s NOT like that! You don’t even know her, Naomi"

I just sat there, and looked at the city from Drew's AMAZING view of New York. Well, practically our view, since he let ME move there too. You see, that’s the thing about Drew. He's the nicest guy you could ever meet, but, he could'nt stand up for himself and he didn’t get that some people are not as true and nice as they look. Like, Vanessa, the most ridiculous excuse for a person I've ever seen. 21, and she acts like Lady Gaga would in Vegas. And its just impossibly stupid that she saw Drew and our mansion on the news, and she literally WENT gaga all over Drew, with me standing in the background ready to run her over with a taxi.

"Look," Drew says to me. "I love Vanessa, and you can’t tell me that she’s--" He stopped. There was a knock at the door. I looked down through the window at our driveway and saw her new LEXUS that Drew had just bought for her.

"The queen awaits," I said, kind of mean and sarcastically. Drew just faintly rolled his eyes, as he hates being sarcastic with me, and ran down the stairs to the door. I just shrugged, annoyed, and went to the kitchen to get a Diet Coke out of the fridge. I took out the soda and chugged it as I go down to the front door to meet Miss Gaga of New York and my best friend.


"Oh hi Naomi! Wow long time no see, correct? I have to tell you, ever since I met Drew, I forgot you lived here! I mean, I almost forgot your name altogether! In fact, on my way over here, I was saying to myself, hey, what’s her name again? Miami, Florida, Maryland? Ha-ha! Well that just shows you how much I just LOVE Drew! I'm always so busy thinking about him I can't remember anything," she said in this high, fake-charming voice that made poor Drew melt like butter.

"Vanessa," I said dryly. "What brings you to our home? Like regular people would'v called or something..." I commented. Drew glared at me.

"Oh, well I just couldn’t stand not seeing my Chewy Drewy!! I missed him too much!" she said, as she fell all over Drew. Poor, poor Drew. I still didn't know how he could be so blind!

I couldn’t stand it.

"Honey, you just don't sound right. It sounds to me that you don't belong with Drew. I'm sure he'd be better off with someone a little less, uhm, you," I said very rudely to my best friend's girlfriend, as I walked away chugging the bottle of DIet Coke in my hand. Why does she do this to me? To Drew? I thought. It’s just wrong! Totally wrong! And the nerve of that girl just makes me sick! I can’t believe her, "Miami? Florida? Maryland?" Seriously? What kind of a name is Miami? Are you kidding me? That just shows how messed up that chick is!

I just finally decided to give up thinking to myself. What use is it anyway? I turned on my iPod on shuffle, and I started singing along to one of my favorite songs by Taylor Swift.

"I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us, how we met and sparks flew instantly... and people would say 'They're the lucy ones'..." I sang. I felt the same way. I always thought that would happen with me and Drew. I knew it still could happen, but I didn't like to get my hopes up. I kept singing, hopelessly thinking about Drew  throughout the whole song. "And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now..."

I was startled when someone burst into the room. I smiled and giggled, it was just Drew, laughing ridiculously because he scared me. I loved my best friend so muchStill, I couldn't help wonder why he wasn't drooling over his girlfriend.

"Where's Vanessa?" I said.

"Oh she left," he said, casual as ever.

"Left? Why? She was here for five minutes!" I said kind of angrily, but I wasn't sure why. Usually, whenever she was at our house, I wanted her to be gone as soon as possible. I guess deep down inside I did  want Drew to be happy, even if it wasn't with me.

"Her phone rang,  she answered, and the next thing I know she's sprinting out the door," he said, even more casually.

"That’s crazy... You know what?" I said sarcastically.

"What?" he said, not excited to hear what I had to say.

"You should break up with her!" I said in this really fake annoying ing voice. I guess I was being pretty hard on him, considering he didn't really deserve it. He crossed his arms.

"Shut up" he said with a smile.

Oh god, I couldn't help it. I loved it when he did that. It just made me love him a million times more and also left me with this idiotic, love struck smile on my face.

"I love it when you do that," he said, practically killing me. I couldn't show it, though.

A Simply Complicated Love Story [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now