16. Missy Stop Talking Before You Run Out Of Air!!

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The next day, I was uncontrollably practicing my song. The guitar, the piano, the singing. It was a great song, it really was. It just wasn't fit to my voice. It was meant for Levi to sing it, and even thought he had a great voice also, obviously his voice was much deeper than mine. Also, with both the guitar and the piano, it was just too much!

However, since I had nothing else to practice, I kept on playing and playing the song. As I was practicing, I heard a knock on the door. Thankfully, it was while I was playing on the piano because if it had been on guitar there would've been no chance of me hearing it. I quickly ran to the door, and opened it to find Missy standing there.

"Oh, hi Missy! Here, come on in," I greeted her. She ran inside with an excited look on her face.

"Hi! Okay, so I have big news. I mean, like HUGE news! I've been dying to tell somebody but Levi said I couldn't but I just have to! I just have to! Its too HUGE!" she stammered so quickly, I could barely understand her.

"Okay, okay, calm down! Here, let's go upstairs and sit down before you pass out," I said, leading her up the stairs to the living room. She threw herself down on the couch eagerly while I took my time to perch myself on the chair across from her. "So, can I get you anything to drink?" I asked, trying to calm her down.

"Levi's gonna propose to Margaux!" she blurted, immediately covering her mouth afterwards.

I hung my moth open and alamost fell out of the chair in shock.

"What?! They just started dating! Married?! I know they love each other but...married?!" I shouted hysterically, standing up from my seat and pacing around the living room.

"I know! I was just as shocked. But he said he can't find anyone more perfect than her! And I think they're just so adorable together. I mean, that's how it was with Kurt and I!  I just-- told him to go for it," Missy said the last part quietly.

"Oh god! So he's acctually going to propose?!" I screamed, still pacing.

"He's out buying the ring right now! And guess what else?"


"He went to Jared!" she squealed, laughing at herself. I stopped pacing and acctually laughed at how cheesy that joke was. Then again, that wasn't really time to joke around.

"Okay, okay, let's calm down a little," I reasoned. "When is he acctually going to do it?"

"All he told me was that he was going to take her to that old, runndown chinese place outside of Times Square tonight and ask her there"

"Why there?" I asked with a confused expression.

"Because that's where they first met" She looked up as if watching a flashback of the day somewhere on my ceiling. "It was back when she was dating Brandon. Levi was there on a date with this annoying redhead girl, Rachel. It turns out that Brandon had taken Margaux there the same day. Rachel was going on and on about these shoes she had just bought or something; Levi was pretty much asleep. Then, in the booth behind them, Levi heard Margaux laughing and he 'fell in love'. Cheesy, right? So, anyway, it just so happened that Brandon had left to 'go get some drinks', when really he was just going to hit on girls at the bar. With Rachel so busy talking to herself, Levi slipped away and started talking to Margaux. More like MAJORLY hitting on her. She started to giggle, play along. BUT THEN when Brandon came back to see his little brother flirting with his date, he cussed Levi out, grabbed Margaux, and dragged her out of the restaurant, leaving Levi standing there 'heartbroken' " She gasped for air. That girl can REALLY talk!

"Wait...if you were'nt there, then how do you know ALL of the details?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh, he wrote it down in his diary the day it happened. So, naturally, I ripped out the page and kept it with all the other pages I stole. When you have a twin brother with a diary, you just HAVE to take advantage of the fact that he writes all of his personal thoughts down in a book," she said, smiling and evil grin. I laughed.

"Awww, he has a diary? That's adorable," I said like I was talking to a puppy. "And now they're getting married. That's so sweet" I quickly remebered what this converstion was about.

"That is, if she says yes..." Missy said quietly.

"Well, of course she will! Why wouldn't she?" I asked eagerly, like I felt that she knew something I didn't.

"Were'nt you there at the restaurant? She totally hates our family. She thinks we're too perfect, theat we're made of plastic" I blushed in embarassment. I was the one who had yelled that sat the lunch.

"The point is," I stammered, trying to avoid replying to what she had just said. "She loves Levi. Believe me, I can tell. So she's definately gonna say yes--"

"Say yes to what?" I heard Drew say as he walked in the room. Shit. I had totally forgotten that he was home. "Hi, I'm Drew. Naomi's boyfriend," he said to Missy.

"I'm Missy. Levi's sister," she replied politely, shaking Drew's hand. "Wow, so this is Drew? Damn, girl! You did good!" she wispered to me. I gigled and noticed that Drew heard; he was attempting to flipping his hair like Justin Bieber.

"So, like I asked earlier: Say yes to what?" Drew asked slyly. Missy and I sighed at the same time.

"Levi's gonna propose to Margaux!" Missy blurted, again. The expression on Drew's face turned to shock.

"Wow, really? God. I can't imgine how nervous he must feel. Have you told her?" he asked, stupidly. I ran over to him and slapped his arm.

"Of ocurse not, idiot. We can't tell her!" I turned to Missy. "And that means that you can't be anywhere NEAR Margaux until he asks" She frowned.

"Oh kay..." She said reluctantly. "And on a different topic, Naomi, I heard the song that was playing when I came to the door. Was that you playing?"

"Yep. It's the song that Levi wrote for me to sing in the show tomorrow"

"Oh he wrote it? No, honey, I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but he didn't write it. His band used to play it all the time when they were together. Its a song that 'they wrote' but it's based off of a different song by Green Day," she said nervously. My face fell in dissapointment.

"Wait, how do you know? They claimed that they wrote it, so how are you sure it's similar to the Green Day song?" I asked, trying to find some hope left for me.

"He was feeling guilty, so he wrote it in his diary," she said sheepishly. Drew backed away slowly because he knew what I was going to do.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO?! THE FREAKING SHOW IS TOMORROW, BROADCASTED LIVE ON T.V. AND I DONT HAVE A FREAKING SONG TO SING. OH GOD OH GOD," I screamed in terror. Drew ran over to me, shushing me and trying to calm me down.

"It's okay, it's okay. You'll think of something.Don't worry. Shhh," he said clamly.

"Are you kidding? It's not okay! I have nothing to do, and it's all Levi's fault!" I started sobbing into Drew's shirt.

And that's all I remeber before I passed out.


OOOOH big twists, huh? hehee

well I'd just like to say that there's no song by Green Day like that...or at least that I know of. I'm not really the biggest Green Day fan.

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