Chapter 1

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Ezra's POV

I entered the door to my tower. I couldn't believe that crew! Zeb had left me for dead and they never came back to save me! I was starting to change my view on trust, but it's obvious it no longer exists with me.

I set my pack on a table pushed up against the wall. I fingered the strange box I had stolen from Kanan. I managed to open it in the Imperial cell, but I have no idea how.

All the corners were now twisted so they stuck out. Maybe it would still be worth something on the black market.

I set the box next to my pack. I would ask around later to figure out what it was. I sat on my bed and thought about what had just happened.

Hera had made me go onto the Imperial ship to warn the others that it was a trap. I did warn them, but as we were leaving, Zeb pushed me behind him and I was grabbed from behind by Agent Kallus. Kallus kept me in a star destroyer cell, hoping the crew would come back to rescue me. They hadn't and I had to steal a ship to escape.

I didn't believe they would care about me and I was right. No one could be trusted.


One year later

I looked up from my tower balcony to see the star destroyers still in orbit. They had just arrived, no doubt looking for the rebels.

I had seen the rebels on the holonet channel. They were the Ghost crew from a year ago. From what the Empire had said about them, all of the bad things they did, it only fueled my dislike for them.

Knowing the Empire, it probably all wasn't true, but that didn't change the fact they had abandoned me. They were not to be trusted.

After looking at the star destroyers for a while, I climbed down the stairs of my tower to the main room at the bottom. There, I kept a couple of speeder bikes along witg some of my helmets I had collected over the years.

I hopped on one of the speeder bikes and exited the tower in the direction of Capital City.


When I arrived in the city, stormtroopers were everywhere. I left my bike outside of town so the troopers would have no reason to stop me.

I headed in the direction of the docking bays. No doubt I might find out more information about this blockade there. I jumped onto the rooftops and started running.

About halfway there, I heard a sound. I ducked down onto the rooftop and peered over the side. I saw a speeder with Minister Tua riding and Agent Kallus driving.

Now what were they doing?

Quietly, I followed their speeder as they headed to the docking bay. I could tell the minister was unhappy, but I couldn't tell why. She didn't seem to want Kallus with her, and I couldn't blame her. He wasn't the sweetest guy.

When they arrived at the docking bay, Minister Tua started talking to Kallus as if she was annoyed. Kallus seemed calm, but that was never good with him.

As I watched, they walked into the docking bay. Everything seemed calm. Until one stormtrooper started shooting the others.

The trooper quickly shut the door to the docking bay so I couldn't see what happened next. I continued watching for a while, just to see what would happen.

Not long after, there was an explosion. It wasn't small, either.

I quickly got up from my stealth position and started running from the scene. I made it to the center of town before I stopped.

I jumped down into an alley. I didn't know if I should report what I saw or let the Empire deal with their own problems. I quickly decided against it. Didn't want to get arrested if I didn't have to.

I started walking to the more abandoned parts of town so I could hide. I didn't need to have another problem because of those rebels.


Stormtroopers. They were everywhere. Including where there was nobody else.

I had turned a corner in an alley and smacked right one of them. I fell to the ground.

He helped me up from the ground. "Sorry citi- wait," the trooper said.

"Hey, I haven't done anything," I said.

"Ezra? Is that you?" the trooper asked.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Who's asking?"

The trooper removed his helmet.

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