Chapter 27

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Kanan's POV

It had been over a week since we lost our command ship to the Empire. Ezra was the only one who died.

At first, I wanted to deny it had any effect on the crew, but I could tell that was a lie. Even though none of us had known Ezra personally, losing him was almost like losing a relative.

I partially blamed myself for his death. I was the one, after all, who had voted to leave him with the Empire.

I never expected him to come back into our lives. Much less change our lives by discovering Barriss.

"Kanan, we have a debriefing the commander wants us to go to," Hera said as she entered my room on the Ghost.

We were docked with the fleet, for now.

"Coming," I said.


"These supplies will be vital to the fleet," Commander Sato explained.

We were all in the debriefing room, including the crew, Ahsoka, and Barriss. Ahsoka and Barriss were now acting like they had in the Clone Wars. Best friends. But for some reason, Barriss had been seeming more distracted since Ezra died.

"This supply run will have to be quick," Ahsoka said.

"I suggest we just take the Phantom down to the surface, while the Ghost works on aur support," Hera suggested.

A supply run on Naboo. Shouldn't be too hard.

"If we are going to get these supplies on time, we better leave now," Zeb said.

"Good luck," Sato said.


"What's been troubling you?" Hera asked.

It was just us in the cockpit. Everybody else was in the common room, waiting for us to reach Naboo.

"Nothing," I said.

"I know you, love. What is it?"

"It's just, the death of Ezra has been troubling me. It was so sudden, unseen," I replied after a few moments of silence.

"It surprised us all, it seems. He was so young," Hera sighed sadly.

"At least we don't have to worry about the inquisitors going after him anymore."

"We haven't really been hearing anything from the inquisitors lately."

"I am sure it is just some Imperial plan to get us to relax and then strike."

"Maybe. But it is still unsettling."

"What does the Empire do that isn't?"

"Point taken."

"Anyway, we need to focus on the mission ahead. These supplies are important to the fleet."

"Yes, we all know, dear."

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