Chapter 5

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Hera's POV

"Kanan, you know you have to do something!" I exclaimed.

"Hera, we left him for dead. He won't want to even be near me," Kanan argued. "Besides, it has been weeks since we last saw him. It will be better to forget about him."

"You told me yourself that you saw something in Ezra! Now that we now the Empire didn't hurt him, you have to tell him the truth. If you don' warn him, the Empire will get to him first," I informed him.

"The Empire won't get to him. He is not a baby, I doubt they will try to get to him."

(A/N: Taking place after Future of the Force.)

"So? He is young!" I exclaimed.

I was already tired of this argument. I was trying to convince Kanan to reach out to Ezra, but he just wouldn't cooperate.

"Hera, Ezra is a street rat who probably already has a home and a family. He won't want to come with us. His family can protect him," Kanan said.


"No, Hera. It's too late."

Kanan looked like he was going to say more, but quickly thought better of it. He turned around and exited the Ghost and entered the ship we were connected to.

I sighed and sat down, tapping my fingers on the round table.

"Hera, you have to see his reasoning."

I looked up to see Ahsoka in the doorway Kanan had exited in.

"Ahsoka, you don't think we should just forget about him," I said in disbelief.

"I didn't say that. I just said you need to listen. Kanan is right, Ezra probably does have a family. Plus, when I met the kid, he wasn't really open to make friends."

"We shouldn't have left him to die," I muttered.

"It is not your fault. You and your crew didn't want to endanger him, and he is perfectly fine," Ahsoka came and sat down beside me. "But I do agree with you."

I looked at Ahsoka with a surprised expression. "You do?"

"Yes. Now that we now the Sith lord wants anyone who is Force sensitive in his clutches, it isn't safe for Ezra."

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying that no matter what Kanan thinks, we have to make him see the child needs protection. Ezra is very strong with the Force, stronger than most Jedi before Order 66. His power is making him a beacon of light for anyone looking. And he is completely oblivious to it."

"Finally, someone sees what needs to be done. How will we convince Kanan?"

"I will try talking to him. If that doesn't work, we will keep trying."

Ahsoka rose from her seat and bid me farewell. Hopefully, we could get Kanan to see what needs to be done.


Ezra's POV

I sat on a pile of crates, waiting for the transport to land. After a few more minutes, I saw an Imperial transport make its way into the docking bay.

I hopped off the crates and hid behind them, keeping the ship's ramp in view. I watched as the ramp was lowered, but all that stepped out was one man. The man was dark toned and had dark hair with a dark beard.

The man looked around the docking bay. I gave one last look around for Imperials and stepped out from behind the crates.

I approached the man. He looked to me as I came forward. "Are you from the Rebellion?" He asked me in a deep voice.

"Not part of it. Just offer my help here and there," I said, shaking hands with the man.

"As long as the information gets where it needs to go," he said before handing me a holodisk.

"I am sure that's what everyone wants," I replied.

I turned to leave, but the man put his hand on my shoulder. "There's one more thing."

"What?" I asked turning around.

"I didn't mention this information when I asked the Rebellion to meet me here, but I figured something out," he handed me another holodisk. "Look at this, memorize it, and destroy it."

"What is it?"

"Something that can't be let into the wrong hands."

"Must be important."

"That is why nobody must know."

I nodded. "How do you want this information transported to the Rebellion?"

"Only the first holodisk will be shown to the Rebellion. The second piece of information is to be remembered by someone trustworthy and not kept record of."


"Hopefully, I am not wrong in trusting you with this information."

"Always good to make friends under dire circumstances."

"I will be on Lothal for the next few days. If you need anything, I am Bail Organa of Alderaan."

"Got it."

I turned and left the docking bay. As I exited, I felt a tingle in the back of my head. I stopped and looked around.

I couldn't believe I was getting another feeling! I was getting more in the last few weeks than I had my whole life!

I started walking again. I had no explanation for all of these strange senses. As far as I knew, I was the only one who had them. I might never find answers.

But then again, I will probably never go looking for answers. These feelings were the least of my problems. If I was going to survive, I needed to worry a lot more about food than about how I was feeling.

Right now, I needed to worry about getting this holodisk to Jho.

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