Chapter 24

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Ahsoka's POV

As soon as the ceiling fell in, Barriss and I both sprung into action. We both raised our hands, using the Force to sheild us from the debris. After it quit falling, Barriss and I stood unharmed, but surrounded on all sides.

"Ezra!" Barriss yelled.

I looked around, not seeing Ezra anywhere. How could I have forgotten about him? He was the whole reason we had found the tracker.

"Barriss, he must be buried," I gasped.

"We have to get him out!" Barriss exclaimed.

But as I looked around, I realized no one could survive long under the rubble. It was too tightly compacted and dust filled the air.

"We can't," I said quietly.

"Yes, we can! I got him into this mess, I am going to get him out!" Barriss snapped.

"But look around! There is no way he can survive long enough for us to find him!" I pointed out.

"If only I hadn't discovered his cell. If I had just left him with the Empire, he wouldn't be hurt or dieing! Why did we even bring him if he just woke up from a coma?" Barriss asked herself.

She had a point. He was hurt. He shouldn't have been here in the first place.

"Everyone alright?" My com asked.

I looked at Barriss once more. She shook her head as I grabbed my com from my belt. "We have a situation here."

As I said so, sparks starting flying from the control panel of the reactor. "A big situation," I said.

"I am going to try and clear debris from the entrance," Barriss said as I filled in the Commander, who was on the other side of the com.

After I had finished talking to the Commander, I joined Barriss in clearing rubble. As we worked, more sparks started flying from the control panel. We tried to put pieces of the ceiling around the panel, hoping to contain a fire if one started.

While we worked, alarms blared and I could hear orders about leaving the ship through the internal com.

Finally, we made it to the entrance. The dust had been stirred up as we moved stuff and was making both Barriss and I cough.

Once we opened the entrance, there stood the crew if the Ghost. The droid and everything.

"Where's Ezra?" Sabine automatically asked.

I looked to Barriss as she shook her head. There was a moment of silence before Kanan said, "We have to go."

We all ran to the escape pods. We were the only ones left on board who was alive.

There was two pods left. The crew took one and Barriss and I took the other.

"We will send you the fleet's coordinates!" Hera exclaimed before disappearing into her pod.

Barriss and I quickly loaded our pod. Once we received the coordinates, I disengaged the pod from the command ship and we set off into hyperspace.

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