Chapter 25

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Ezra's POV

I tried to warn Barriss and Ahsoka about the bomb, but I was too late.

One second, I remember seeing the ceiling fall. The next, I wake up to pitch blackness. I cough because if how much dust is in the air.

I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel anything, either. Once I felt nothing, though, I started to freak out.

As I started hyperventilating, I heard something. I looked to my side to see a light. At first, it was too blinding to look at, but it soon started dieing down.

Once I could see, I saw it was a man with long hair, standing straight and composed. Although, he was standing straight up through the pieces of ceiling as if nothing was there.

"Who are you?" I coughed.

"I am here to be a guide," the man said in a calm voice.

Once he said that, understanding filled my mind. I was dead.

"But, Yoda-"

"You have already succeeded," the man interrupted me.

"How?" I asked.

The man just held out his hand to me. Surprisingly, I took it, and he helped me get up. I floated straight through the rubble as if it was not there.

I looked down at my body. It was bruised and broken from the weight of the debris.

"I am really gone," I muttered to myself, fully excepting it.

"Yes, but you still have something to witness," the man said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Qui-Gon Jinn."


As soon as Qui-Gon told me his name, we were automatically transported somewhere else with no warning whatsoever.

As I looked around, I saw Qui-Gon standing next to me. As I looked around more, I saw we were in an escape pod of some kind. And in the pod was Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee.

"They made it?" I asked.

"Yes. All because you gave them the slightest warning," he explained.

"But I do not see how this applies to what Yoda says," I pointed out.


"I shouldn't have gotten him into this," Barriss sighed. "I gave him that com and somehow he knew we were in trouble."

"It is not your fault," Ahsoka said.

"Easy for you to say."

"And it should be for you, too. Remember the weapons factory on Geonois?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes. We would have died that day if not for you," Barriss sighed, memories filling her eyes.

"I had deja vu today, when the ceiling fell. I thought we were going to be trapped together again, but not be able to get out," Ahsoka said.

"I did too, my friend. Except we did escape, but lost one."

There was a few moments of tense silence.

"I forgive you," Ahsoka said very quietly.

"What?" Barriss asked.

"I should have forgiven you when you first came to me. This situation was my fault. I didn't listen to you when yoh first tried to apologize, and Ezra lost his life," Ahsoka said even quieter.

"It is no one's fault. Ezra chose to get involved. We shouldn't be fighting over blame," Barriss said.

"And I am sorry, too, Barris. I haven't listened to you when I need to. Both of us have made many mistakes we regret," Ahsoka said.

"The Force sure is a crazy thing," I said to Qui-Gon.

"I think every Jedi Master will agree with you th

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