Chapter 9

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Ahsoka's POV

"So he was captured and he is carrying confidential information with him?" Hera asked with disbelief. Kanan and I had returned to the Ghost after talking with Jho.  Everyone was gathered in the cockpit, listening to what happened.

"Are we still going after him?" Zeb asked.

"Yes," I said at the same time Kanan said no.

"Ahsoka, we can just the commander about the kid and he can send people to get Ezra. We don't need to be involved with the kid anymore," Kanan said.

"I already told the commander we were going to get the kid and that is what we are going to do!" I said.

"Okay, first of all, how are we going to find out where they took the kid?" Sabine asked.

"Sabine's right.  We have to know where to look," Kanan said.

"We can use the Force," I said calmly.

"You are just finding every way to help this kid, aren't you?" Kanan asked.

"It will work.  I am sure of it. Then we can do what we need to to rescue him."

"What if he isn't even alive?"

"Then at least we tried."


Ezra's POV

I sat on the slab of metal they called a bed.  It has been a week, I think, and nothing has happened.

The Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother haven't been by, nothing has come in to ask me anything.  I have only gotten food and water, the only sign they knew I was here.

I sat with nothing on me except my clothes, planning an escape.  I didn't want to escape immediately, seeing how bad they apparently wanted me.  I knew I would have wait a while before even trying to leave.

I had thought through many plans.  None of them would get me out if here for sure, though.  I didn't even know if I was on a planet or a ship!

As I was trying to come up with the perfect escape plan, my jumbled thoughts were interrupted by blaster fire outside the door.


Unknown POV

I sat on the bed in the dingy cell I was placed in. They were taking me away today to be transferred, but I was ready.

I had called in a few favors and managed to get a couple of pistols snuck in.  When the troopers came in to get me, we would go out into the hall and I would shoot them.

I just had to wait.


The door opened to reveal two stormtroopers with blasters at the ready.  "Move along!" One of them barked.

I got up from the bed and headed into the hall.  When I approached the troopers, they quickly grabbed me and put handcuffs on me.  Thankfully,  they still hadn't discovered the pistols.

The troopers took position on both sides of me.  I looked at both of them slowly.  Quickly and quietly, I reached under my black tunic to the waistline of my long black skirt to where I had put the pistols.  I grabbed one of them.

The troopers started leading me down the hall, not yet realizing what was in store for them.  We made it to the end of the hall.  That is when I striked.

I didn't say a word.  I spun around on my heal so the gun was facing the troopers.  I shot at them, only turning around when I heard the thumps of their bodies hitting the floor.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the handcuffs. When I opened my eyes, the manacles were on the floor, broken.

I was about to leave the dead troopers when something stopped me.

A life force.

I looked around, trying to pinpoint what cell it was coming from.  After a few hurried seconds, I managed to find the cell. Three doors over on the right from where the troopers laid.

I stayed at the opening of the cell.  Why was their another like me in these cells?  Did this person know, or were they sweeped up like garbage from the street?

Should I help them?

Before the Empire, I had a role in the war.  But then, I used a friend to do something terrible for something I thought I believed in.  I would give anything to apologize to that friend.  I wasn't the same person.  I realized the mistakes I made, the people I hurt.

I moved my hand to press the button for the cell.  When the door slid open, I saw a young boy.  He had raven hair and electric blue eyes.  He was leaning against the wall with his legs spread out on the bed.

"Who are you?" he asked me in a suspicious voice.

"That is not important right now.  Just come with me," I said hurriedly, looking down the halls to make sure no one was coming.
"Why should I?" he retorted.

"Would you just trust me?" I asked with annoyance.

"I learned a long time ago trust doesn't exist. It is a dangerous thing to ponder."

I stared at the boy in surprise.  Whatever he had been through, it must not have been enjoyable.

"Well, I am trying to save your life, so let's forget about what happened to you for a bit," I said.
The boy gave me a overly suspicious look before getting up from the cell's bed and making his way over to me.

"Before we go, what is your name?" he asked.

I hesitated before answering.

"My name is Barriss Offee."

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