Chapter 8

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Ezra's POV

I woke up and I could feel we were moving. I lifted my head and saw what appeared to be the inside of a TIE fighter.

I tried to move as little as possible, and move so I could see who was in the pilot's chair. It appeared they didn't know I was awake. They were talking over a com.

"We will take the boy to Alderaan. There, Lord Vader wants us to keep him locked away," the voice of the Seventh Sister said. She was flying the TIE.

"And then?" The Fifth Brother asked over the com.

"We are to make sure he is not discovered by any if the rebels. No doubt they will still be looking for what we are searching for. But no one knows about this boy, I couldn't even find him on record," the Seventh Sister said.

"We need it to stay that way if our mission is to be completed."

"It seems the boy has no idea of his powers. We must make sure he hears nothing about them."

"And if he does?"

"Lord Vader has commanded us to destroy him."

I stiffened at what the Seventh Sister said. What did she mean, destroy me? What powers were they talking about? What were they even?

Why was I so special?

"Why would we destroy the boy if he has so much potential in him?" The Fifth Brother said in a dark voice.

"What do you mean?" Seventh Sister asked.

"If he is as powerful as we felt, we could use him," the Fifth Brother said.

"Don't you think Vader thought of that? It would take too long to train the boy. Besides, we don't know anything about him. It is too risky."

They stayed silent for a long time.


I must have fallen asleep or something. One second I closed my eyes for a rest and wake up to a dark, dull Imperial cell.

I was laying on a slab of cold metal. I sat up and turned to face the door of the cell, my feet hanging over the side.

I stood and walked to the cell door, hoping I would be able to open it.

Upon closer inspection of the door, I could've opened it. If I had my stuff. Which I didn't.

I would be stuck for a while.


Ahsoka's POV

"What?" Kanan exclaimed as Jho explained.

We found Jho on the floor behind the bar out cold. He had just woken up and was recounting what he could remember.

"How long ago did they take him?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Don't know," Jho groaned.

"This is just great," Kanan muttered. "We shouldn't have come for Ezra in the first place!"

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"We wouldn't have to deal with the inquisitors again! We should have left the kid alone. It was all he ever wanted!"

I frowned deeply at Kanan. "Kanan, Ezra is in serious danger. We need to find a way to rescue him."

"If we would have never gotten involved with him the inquisitors probably would have never taken him."

"Ezra has a gift. They would have found him, whether he met us before or not. We had nothing to do with it."

"I know what you are going to say."


"You are going to say we have to try and rescue the kid. Well, no! He is much better off in an Imperial cell where people will forget about him than on the streets of Lothal."

"How could you say that?"

"Well, it is true isn't it? Better to know that at least right now he has food and shelter."

"What about his family? I am sure his parents will be worried sick."

"He doesn't have any."

I turned with a surprised look on my face to the person would had spoken. Jho.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ezra told me he was an orphan. His parents were taken away eight years ago by the Empire," Jho explained.

"On the streets by himself for all these years?" I said with a melancholy tone.

"Explains a lot," Kanan said bluntly. "Kid was always stubborn."

"Is there anything else we should know, Jho?" I questioned.

Jho looked to the ground and didn't look up for quite a while.

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