Chapter 19

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Ezra's POV

"Uhh," I groaned. I lifted my head from the control panel of the cockpit. At first, I was confused as to what happened. Then it all came back in a flash.

Jho giving me the ship, saving the rebels, flying away, getting shot down, Barriss's and Ahsoka's not so quiet talk outside the cockpit door.

I tried to get up, but was quickly stopped by a severe pain in my side. I looked at the source of the pain to see a piece of metal from the cockpit floor slicing into my side. The floor must have slid up when it connected with the ground. At least the ship didn't blow up.

"Are you okay?" I heard Barriss's voice from outside.

"Hey!" I yelled.

I heard some muffled noises and then the screeching of the door being forced open.

"Loner!" Barriss yelled, seeing me. "Oh, no."

"Ezra, you're hurt," Ahsoka said.

"I noticed," I said.

"Everyone okay?" I looked over my shoulder to see Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine entering the cockpit.

"Well, look who it is," Sabine said.

"Yes, we are all glad to see me. Now, can we deal with this," I said, gesturing to the piece of metal.

"That is going to be no easy job," Ahsoka said.

"We are going to need time to get that out," Kanan said.

The wound throbbed as they talked about what to do. I was sweating heavily, the pain making me see spots.

"Just as long as it gets out," I grunted.

"Spectre 2 to 1, is everyone alright? I saw the crash," Kanan's com said.

"Yeah, almost all of us are alright. We are going to need a medical evacuation. We have a littke situation," Kanan replied.

"Already sent the distress signal a while ago," Hera said. "Who is hurt?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he said.

"Ezra, how are you doing?" I looked to see Barriss was kneeling down next to me.

"Last time I come to save you," I said before passing out from pain.


Barriss's POV

"How is this possible?" Ahsoka asked me. Ezra had just passed out, from pain no doubt.

"Why is he here?" Kanan asked.

"How did he know we needed help?" Zeb asked.

I sighed before telling them all the story about how we broke out of prison together. I didn't tell them about how I told Ezra about the Force, but I did tell them about the com I had given to him. I also didn't tell them about our little trust talk we had.

"I don't know how he knew we were in trouble. I had never used the com to contact him before," I finished.

"Well, he came at the right time. We would have been goners without him," Sabine said.

"He needs medical attention. After that, he will want to go back to Capital City," I sighed.

"Back to Capital City?" Kanan asked in disbelief. "Commander Sato will want to know what happened here. He will have to come back to the fleet for medical attention and for information."

"He doesn't want anything to do with you, much less the Rebellion!" I exclaimed.

"How do you know?" Zeb asked.

"He told me how much he doesn't trust people. He doesn't even trust me, much less the people who left him for dead," I said.

"You know about that?" Kanan asked.

"Yes. He told me. Hasn't trusted a single person since," I say.

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