Chapter 34

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Hera's POV

It has been only a short day since the wonderful explosive heist. Only a short day since we found out Ezra was alive.

As soon as Ezra and Barriss boarded the ship, they automatically went to help the prisoners. And as soon as we made it to the fleet, Ezra had disappeared somewhere with Barriss.

No one except Barriss has actually talked to Ezra.

I was now in the Ghost, of course. I looked out at the stars from my pilot's seat. I sighed as I stared at the twinkling balls of light, always there, but never quite in reach.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?"

I swiveled my chair around to see Ezra standing in the entrance to the cockpit.

"Yes, they are," I said hesitantly.

I turned my chair back around, looking back at the stars. I heard Ezra starting to leave the cockpit.

"Ezra?" I called, wondering automatically what I was doing.


"I'm sorry."

There was only silence from Ezra. Then, I heard him move again, and then appear in the copilot's seat, facing me. I turned so that I was also facing him.

"Sorry for what?" Ezra asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"We left you all that time ago. In the clutches of the Empire. Back then, it was just us, the crew, defending us, the crew. Nowadays, we wouldn't have hesitated coming back for you. I'm sorry."

Ezra seemed to stare through my eyes, right into my soul. He seemed to be searching for something. And as he did so, I noticed something about him.

The childish, street rat we had first met seemed to be gone from him. Now, he looked wise beyond his years. A firm gaze, firm features giving him a look of seriousness. I do not know what had happened to him over the course of this rebellion, but I was sure of one thing.

The old Ezra was gone. A new one stood in his place.

"There is nothing to be sorry for," Ezra finally said.

I was takened aback at first. "What do you mean? We left you for dead? That is unforgivable."

"I have moved on," Ezra said as if he was telling someone that a loth-cat lived on Lothal.

"You will forever confuse me, Ezra Bridger," I sighed, shaking my head.

"You and everybody else," Ezra muttered.

"Well, it is not often someone your age steps up like you have," I pointed out.

"Not like I asked to be forced to step up into a position I didn't want," Ezra said, his gaze dropping.

"Well, at least you take it like a man. Most people twice your age wouldn't be able to know have of the information you do," I said.

Suddenly, Ezra snapped his head up. "Information? The information!" He exclaimed.

At first I was confused, but then I remembered what Jho had said. "The information Bail Organa gave you?" I questioned.

"Yeah," Ezra confirmed.

"What are you to do with it?" I asked.

"Wait until the time is right," he sighed.

"And that will be?"

"Not for a while. We still have time."

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