Chapter 20

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Ezra's POV

I woke up in a dark void. Just blackness. "Anybody here!" I yelled. My voice echoed against nonexistent walls.

I didn't understand what was happening. I was just in the ship when I passed out from pain. . .

My hand flew to my side where the piece of metal had been. Now, there was nothing. No throbbing or blood stain.

"See you have found me, I have."

I looked behind me to see a short green, I didn't know what he was. I definitely knew I was going crazy.

"A troubling time for you, it is," the green guy said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Yoda," he answered simply.

"Okay, then, Yoda, where am I?" I asked.

"Not a place, but a vision. Guiding you, the Force is. A big decision is coming. Coming soon," Yoda said.

"I haven't even trained in the Force. How can it guide me anywhere?"

"An interesting thing, the Force is. Leads us to mysterious places, it does."

"And what about this big decision?"

"Hmm. That, I can only warn about. The choice, it is your's to make. Choose wisely, you must."

"And I am just supposed to listen to a little green guy who showed up in my dreams?"

"Trust me, or trust me not, another decision for you to make."

"I don't trust very well."

"Shown me that, the Force has. Here to help you, I am."

"Help me how?" I asked.

Yoda took the walking stick he had been leaning on and waved it in the air. A portal like thing appeared, showing pictures. It took me a moment to realize it was actually videos of battles taking place.

"What is this?" I questioned.

"A dark time, the Clone Wars was. Lost many brave men, we did."

"The Clone Wars? You fought in them?"

"Yes. But not even I saw the turmoil it would bring."

Yoda waved his stick in the air again, making the images disappear. When he turned back to face me, his eyes were full of sadness.

"What does this have to do with me?" I finally ask.

"Your decision."

"And what am I deciding exactly?"

"Because of you, Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee meet again. Trust, finally being formed again between the two. When awake, you will be asked whether to stay or leave."

"And how does that affect those two?"

"If stay, you do, play a major role in their bond reforming, you do. If leave, you do, a shadow you have casted between the two."

"What do you mean by shadow?"

"Trust no one, you do. Claimed this to Barriss, you have. Affect how Rebellion will soon work, it does. Wants to leave no one behind, they do, because of what they did to you."

"I don't see why that affects anything."

"Soon, you will."

"Anything else?"

"One more. If decide to stay, you do, a dark path will quickly start and end for you. Keep that in mind, you must."

"I guess I will, seeing at how depressing that sounds. I guess you have convinced me to make a decision, Yoda."

"Do not joke with such matters. This decision, helps with outcome of war. Make it, you must."

"Outcome of war? With the Empire? I doubt anything the Rebellion can do will defeat the Empire."

"Surprised with will to be free, you will be."

"I will believe it once I see it."

"Goodbye, Ezra Bridger. May the Force be with you."

And with that, I woke up.

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