Chapter 6

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Ahsoka's POV

"Fine! We will go get him!" Kanan exclaimed.

Hera and I had finally convinced him after a day to go get Ezra.

"Finally, he sees reason," Hera sighed.

"Hey, I am not going because I wanted to. If the kid doesn't want to come with us, we leave right away," Kanan said.

"Fine," I agreed. "But this is for his well-being, know that."

"I'll get the others," Kanan exited the cockpit of the Ghost to get the rest of the crew.

"I thought he would hold out longer than that," I commented.

"He knew he would have to do it, whether it was sooner or later," Hera sighed.

"At least it was sooner," I said.

"How are we going to explain this to Ezra?" Hera asked.

"I don't know. I doubt he will believe us at first, taking in the past events."

"We can't say anything until we see him."

Our conversation was interrupted by Kanan and the rest of the crew entering the cockpit.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Zeb asked.

"Beep!" Chopper agreed.

"We need to," Kanan stated.

"Why? We haven't really done much for the kid. Not like he us going to welcome us with open arms," Sabine pointed out.

"Kanan?" Hera looked at the surviving Jedi.

"I will explain on the way. Just go," he sighed.

"Woah, what are you going to explain?" Sabine questioned.

"The truth," I answered.


Ezra's POV

I walked into Jho's bar. It was completely empty.

"I got it, Jho," I said as I walked to him.

"Good, I will send it to the fleet." Jho took the disk from me and exited into the back room.

He came back a few short seconds later. "The transmission was sent."

"Jho, there's one more thing," I said. Even if Organa wanted me to keep the information confidential, Jho was the one to trust with secrets. It would be best if someone else knew.

I quickly explained what the disk held, and asked if he would memorize with me, so that way if one of us was captured, the information could still be accessible.

Jho agreed, but not right away. We went into the back room together. I pushed the holodisk in its slot.

Surprisingly, the holodisk held very little. Only a sentence. It took very little time to memorize, and the holodisk was destroyed quickly. Jho and I walked back into the main bar.

"That wasn't very significant to me," I commented.

"We don't even know who it was talking about," Jho pointed out.

"Well, yeah, but still, it seems like-"

I was cut off by something clutching my neck. I reached for it, but there was nothing there. Jho seemed to be having the same problem.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A metallic female voice said.

I was still standing facing behind the bar, but I was accompanied by a female wearing dark clothing and a mask on one side and a gray skinned humanoid male on the other.

"It seems we have stumbled upon yet another, haven't we, Fifth Brother?" The female said. Her mask slid off to releave a female with yellowish skin.

"It seems so, Seventh Sister," the one called Fifth Brother said.

I was still being choked, so I couldn't reply.

"What are we going to do with you?" The Seventh Sister asked in a teasing voice.

"Call a transport, Seventh Sister. I will keep him here," the Fifth Brother said.

I was released from the choke to be replaced with a glowing red blade at my neck.

"Watch him," the Seventh Sister said before leaving the bar. It didn't take her long to come back. "They are coming."

"We have time?" The Fifth Brother asked.

"Plenty," the Seventh Sister replied.

"Wonderful," he said before somehow throwing me without even touching me to the other side of the bar.

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