Chapter 21

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Ahsoka's POV

"Commander, I have no idea how Ezra will be once he wakes up. It is too hard to predict."

I was currently in a private meeting with Commander Sato, discussing the situation with Ezra. We had managed to remove the metal from his side. It hadn't gone in very deep, but deep enough to give him a lot of blood loss. Thankfully, none of his major organs had been damaged. Unfortunately, he was in a coma that had already lasted for two days.

"We need to be prepared. Kanan wants to keep him here, away from the inquisitors who took him in the first place," Sato said.

"But Barriss thinks he will want to immediately go back to Lothal," I finished.

"Exactly. We can not have it both ways."

"I know, Commander. But this is a tuff situation. I just don't know how to handle this one."

"I was talking with the doctors who were looking after Ezra. They say with his injuries he will have to stay for a while. I am just not sure he will cooperate."

"Then why don't we compromise," I said as soon as an idea struck.

"That being?"

"Why don't we just keep him here while he recovers? That way, Kanan can still watch over him and we can get gis account of the battle. When he is fully rested and well again, he can go back to Lothal."

"This is only one of the many reasons why you are so important to the Rebellion, Ahsoka."

"We just have to see if Ezra will agree."


"Are you sure he will agree to this?" Barriss asked with doubt. I was out of my meeting with Commander Sato, and now I was with Barriss, discussing the plan.

"I don't know, Barriss. You know him best out of everyone on this ship. That is why I am telling you this," I explained.

"I may know him best, but he still doesn't really trust me. It took a bit just to get him to take the com I had given him," Barriss sighed.

"No one is truly close to him," I said.

"He lived a lonely childhood. His parents are dead and he has been on his own," Barriss said.

"But those inquisitors do not care. They are going to try and take him again, whether he wants to be left alone or not," I pointed out.

"Those inquisitors sure are a big trouble around here," Barriss said.

"You haven't met them before," I said.

"And I do not want to."

"If only we all had a choice in this matter."

"Ahsoka, when Ezra wakes up, just promise me something."

"Yes, Barriss?"

"Don't force him into anything. He is only a child."


Ezra's POV

I woke up, this time in some kind of medical bay. The pain in my side was back so I knew this was not a dream.

"You are awake!"

I looked to see a medical droid scurrying over to my bed.

"Yeah," I said as the droid examined me. "How long was I out?"

"You were in a pain-induced coma for 3 days. We removed the metal."

As the droid explained what had happened when I was out and the extent if the damage, I heard a voice from the door of the medical bay.

"Well, look who is awake."

The Mandalorian of the Ghost crew walked over to my bed. I remembered her name was Sabine.

"What made you guess?" I said sarcastically.

"Still as annoying as ever, I see," Sabine sighed.

"You try coming to your rescue and tell me how you turn out."

"I'll just take your word for it. You know, everyone on this ship has been nervous about when you would wake up and what you would do," Sabine said.

"I didn't think I was that important," I said.

"More important than I ever imagined. Everyone is talking about how you escaped the inquisitors and survived. Those two are not usually the nicest," Sabine explained.

"So? I am sure plenty of people have escaped the Empire before."

"Not ones who want you for a specific reason."

"Well, I had help."

"Yeah, Barriss. Ahsoka wasn't too happy to see her at first, but I think they are actually starting to be getting along. I still don't know why they were fighting in the first place."

"Back before the Jedi Order fell, Barriss framed Ahsoka for murder."

"She told you that?"

"No, I overheard their argument they were having outside of the cockpit of the Imperial cruiser. It was very heartfelt."

"Well, you are going to see both of them soon."

"Yeah, yeah. A choice about whether to stay or go," I sighed.

"You know?" Sabine asked.

"Long story," I said. Hope Yoda knew what he was talking about.

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