Chapter 17

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Ahsoka's POV

The Ghost crew, Barriss, and I all loaded onto the Ghost, getting ready for the supply run at the Imperial base. Right before we left, I almost went to Commander Sato and tried to get Barriss off the mission, but I decided the battle wasn't worth it.

"Entering hyperspace," Hera said over the internal com.


The Ghost landed a small distance from the Imperial base, ready to come in if we needed help.

All of us except Hera and Chopper started heading to the base, the sound of Kanan repeating the plan filling the air.

"We get it, Kanan. You have told us a million times," Zeb finally sighed as we started approaching the outskirts of the base.

"Just don't mess it up," Kanan muttered.

"We heard that," Sabine said.

"Good," Kanan retorted.

"Wonderful to know we are all getting along," Barriss said quietly.


Our little squad had already managed to breach the perimeter of the base, hiding behind various crates in the docking bay. Slowly, we all started to advance to the entrance of the base.

But as we slowly advanced, being careful to hide our presence, alarms started blaring. Stormtroopers ran from inside the base.

"Looks like they knew about this little supply run," Kanan sighed with frustration.

"Might as well defend ourselves, if they know we are here," Sabine said, watching stormtroopers searching the docking bay.

"Might as well," Barriss and I said at the same time. We gave each other surprised looks as Barriss pulled out a couple of pistols from her belt, waiting for the signal to fight.

I quickly looked away, not wanting to think about Barriss at the moment.

"Spectre 1 to Ghost, we might need that air support now," Kanan said into his com as he started firing at troopers.


The battle raged on all around us, Hera above us, trying to fire at TIES and different tanks that had progressively joined the skirmish.

"Kanan! We have to retreat!" Barriss shouted over the noise of battle.

"Hera, we need a pickup!" Kanan yelled into his com.

"Just wait! My scanners show another ship entering the fight!" Hera replied.

I looked up to see an Imperial transport. Great, more to deal with, I thought as the ship neared. But as it fired, it didn't fire at Hera or us. It was on our side!

"Renegade, this is Loner."

I looked to see where the crackly voice had come from. I looked to Barriss, who was pulling a com I had never seen before from her belt. "Loner, this is Renegade. How did you know?" Barriss said into the com.

"I guess I just knew," Loner said.

The voice was crackly over the com, and I couldn't understand who was on the other side.

"Who is that?" Kanan questioned.
"An ally," Barriss said. "We can board with him while Hera covers us."

"How can we trust this friend of your's?" I asked.

"Ahsoka, I know you don't fully trust me yet, but you have to believe me Loner is here to help," Barriss pleaded.

"Doesn't matter why he is here, we need to get out of here!" Kanan shouted. "Hera, did you hear all that?"

"Got it!" The pilot said.

"I got that, too," Loner reported.

The Imperial transport lowered closer to the ground, opening the platform that lowered down. "Come on!" Barriss shouted, running towards the ship.

We all followed, not knowing who this Loner was.

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