Chapter 2

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Ezra's POV

The stormtrooper was Kanan Jarrus.

I quickly turned around, not wanting to talk to him. "Ezra! Wait!" Kanan came up behind and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"I don't want to talk," I said. I shook his hand off my shoulder and continued to walk away.

"Ezra, I know you don't want to talk to me or see me ever again, but we could use your help," Kanan pleaded.

"My help? You guys got the Empire to set up a blockade so you don't escape the planet, and you want my help?" I said, still walking.

Kanan ran up in front of me and put his hand on my chest. "Ezra, I know what we did to you wasn't the best decision, but it happened a year ago."


Kanan stood there, thinking. Then, his face brightened. "What if we pay you for your services?"

"How much?"

"A thousand credits."

"Like you have that much."

"I know people who can get you that money."

I stood there, silent. True, I didn't like the guy, or his crew, but I needed money. I couldn't turn down that much money.

"Why should I accept it?"

"Because, you need money and we need help. You know Lothal like the back of your hand, Ezra. Please help us. You won't have to see us after today."

"Fine," I sighed.

"Wonderful. Follow me," Kanan led me back the way he had come.

He stopped at the door to a bar. He put his helmet back on and went inside. Inside, the bar, there was only the barkeeper.

"It's Spectre 1," Kanan said.

The man motioned his head to the back room. While Kanan went there, I leaned my back against the bar.

"Old friends?" The man asked me.

"More like old enemies," I replied.

Our conversation was interrupted by three stormtroopers coming into the bar. They automatically saw me and the barkeeper and came over to us. One was holding a datapad.

"Citizens, have you seen these insurgents anyway?" One trooper held up his datapad and showed us a picture of the Ghost crew.

I looked back at the barkeeper. He shook his head no. "I don't think either of us have seen them around, sir," I said.

"Alert any trooper if you do," the same trooper said.

"Under orders of the Empire, we are supposed to search each facility for these insurgents," another trooper said.

"Be my guest," the barkeeper said.

The troopers separated, each checking a part of the bar. I leaned over the bar's surface to talk to the barkeeper. "Now what?" I whispered.

"Kanan and the others will get rid of them," he said, calmly washing the bar with a rag.

I turned around and leaned against the bar, watching the troopers. Waiting for the others to get rid of them. So far nothing was happening.

I watched as one of the troopers went over to the door Kanan had disappeared into. Something touched my shoulder and I turned to see the barkeeper handing me a glass of water. "Don't worry about them. Just watch the show," he said to me.

So I watched.

As the trooper reached for the door handle, a blue blade shot out from the door, impaling the trooper.

The other troopers saw the incident and ran over to the door. The blue blade retracted from the door and the troopers pulled the door open. They were greeted by two lasar blasts that went straight through their heads. Out of the doorway came the Ghost crew.

"I told you," the barkeeper said.

"You certainly did," I replied.

"It's good to see you again, Ezra," said Hera, the pilot. She came over to me and held out her hand for me to shake.

"Can't say I feel the same," I said dryly, taking a drink from my cup and ignoring her hand.

She put her hand to her side with a frown. "Let's hurry this reunion up. Ezra, I am paying you to take us somewhere safe, so let's go," Kanan said impatiently.

I put my cup on the counter and started walking to the exit. The crew followed.

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