Chapter 30

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Ezra's POV

The bomb went off suddenly. I didn't know it was there, and apparently no one else had either.

The inquisitors were scrambling to take cover while the rebels holed up in their ship.

I stood there as debris fell, passing right through me. The loading bay was filled with fuel and extra parts for Imperial ships. All of the supplies were starting to burn from sparks going off.

It didn't take long for fire to overtake the base. The rest of the building that hadn't been affected by the explosion was now up in flames.

I looked around to see the rebels' ship still intact, but with a slab of ceiling on top. The inquisitors had fled the wreckage and were now standing well away. I saw the Seventh Sister take her comlink and say something into it.

It wouldn't be long before more Imperials arrived.

I hurried over to ship and passed through the side. The inside of the ship was cramped. Filled will crates, and with the crates were Ahsoka, Barriss, Zeb, and Kanan.

Kanan was at the pilot's chair while everyone else was farther back. No one seemed to be hurt.

"Everyone alright?" Zeb asked.

"I think so," Barriss replied.

"Get that door open!" Kanan exclaimed.

Zeb moved to the back of the ship and started to try to open the door.

Finally, he managed to get the door open enough everyone could get through. Once everyone was out, Kanan took out his comlink.

"Hera, we have a little problem," Kanan said.

"I saw your little problem as it exploded. Is everyone alright?" Hera asked.


"Uh, Kanan, we have a problem," Hera said nervously.

"What is it?"

"You know that burning building behind you?"


"Well, there are about a dozen rebel prisoners in there."

"That's never good."

"Get them out of there!"

"Copy that."

Kanan looked at the rest of the crew as he clipped he com to his belt.

"We are going to have to split up," Ahsoka said. "Half of us to get the crates, half to get the prisoners."

"Barriss and Ahsoka, get those prisoners. Zeb and I will get these crates to the Ghost. Call when you are out," Kanan ordered.

"Copy that," Zeb said.

"Where are the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister?" Barriss asked all of a sudden.

I looked to where I saw them after the explosion. They were no longer there.

I whipped my head back and forth, trying to see the two inquisitors.


"We can worry about them later. Let's go get the prisoners," Ahsoka said.

I followed Ahsoka and Barriss as they sprinted to the building. They entered the flames with no hesitation. I still followed, not affected by the heat and never falling behind.

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