Chapter 35

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Ezra's POV

I laid on the bed in the room the Rebellion had provided me on their ship. I looked up at the ceiling, thoughts filling my head. My mind seemed to linger on my last conversation with Barriss.

"Ezra, why won't you tell me what is going on?" Barriss questioned.

"Barriss, I couldn't possibly explain to you what is going on without you thinking I was crazy," I said.

"I am sure there are things far more crazy than what you could tell me."

"That is where you are wrong."

We both stayed silent for a few moments. Tensions hung in the air as we met each other's gaze without blinking.

"If you can't tell me everything, at least tell me one thing," Barriss sighed, a defeated look in her eyes.


"Were you dead?"


Silence once again filled the air.

"I accept that you can not tell me everything right now, Ezra, but I hope, one day, that both of our lies will stop. We will be truthful again. And not just with others, but with ourselves."

"What do you mean?"

"When you died, Ezra, I realized something. I opened your eyes to the Force, you helped me find my way to Ahsoka. Helped me to ask for forgiveness. Helped me learn the real meaning of trust. You helped me realize a major irony in the world. For things to succeed, there must be trust. Yet, most things have been denied the ability to trust, so what can be done in this world? I realized something else, Ezra. In the little time I had known you. In the times you had saved my life and I saved yours, you have become like a little brother to me. And I feel the need to protect you from the world."

"But, Barriss, you can't protect me."

"I know. But, we can guide each other. Help each other."

"It seems we can."



"You have to promise me that one day, no matter when, you will tell me everything. I know you have changed, grown up. But I can also see a great burden weighs you down. Promise me, one day, if not me, share that burden with someone."

"I promise."

One of the hardest promises had ever made. But, now, I had a family. And, I realized after my talk with Hera, I had more family than I thought.

I was alone for most of my life. Now I had a family. A little dysfunctional, but that's the best kind.

And Hera had reminded me of something else. The information the senator had given me. That blasted phrase.

I still knew the phrase, but I also knew it wouldn't be needed for a while. The Rebellion didn't need to know. Not until the time comes.

I replayed the phrase in my head.

The Sith, Darth Vader, formally Anakin Skywalker, turned to protect his family, who he thinks is dead, but his son, Luke, and daughter, Leia, live.

Yes, no one needed to know for a while.

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