Chapter 7

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Ezra's POV

I groaned when I hit the wall. How did the Fifth Brother do that? He didn't even touch me.

I was lifted once again into the air, being choked yet again. As I was risen in the air, I saw Jho was no longer in view. That either meant he had died or had managed to slip away.

"I bet he doesn't even know what we want with him," the Seventh Sister laughed.

"Best he didn't know," the Fifth Brother replied.

"Just as long as we complete the mission."

The pressure on my neck slackened and I was dropped to the ground. I started coughing and taking giant breathes. What did these guys want? The Seventh Sister walked over and kneeled next to me. "Don't worry. It will all be other soon."

I looked up into her cold eyes. She started smiling yet again. I continued to cough.

The Fifth Brother's com link beeped. "They are here," he reported.

"Wonderful. Grab him." The Seventh Sister rose up from her kneeling position and started walking to the door. As I watched her, that strange force yet again lifted me into the air. I was slammed into the ground, blacking out on contact.


Kanan's POV

"Where do we even start looking?" I asked Hera.

"We can try Jho's. I have heard he has been getting jobs from there often," Ahsoka supplied.

"Just as long as we get him and get out," Zeb grumbled.

"Are you even going to be helpful on this mission?" I asked.

"This is a mission to save your crummy religion. Forgive if u am not enthusiastic," Zeb replied sarcastically.

I had explained everything to Sabine and Zeb. About why we were going to get Ezra. They didn't agree, though.

"Just try to do some good," Ahsoka sighed.


The Ghost landed near the outskirts of Capitol City. Hera stayed on the ship with Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper. Ahsoka and I headed to Jho's bar.

When we got there, I heard none of the bustle that usually accompanied Jho's joint. Ahsoka and I slowed.

"Do you think anything happened?" I asked Ahsoka.

"I sense. . . Something. Be careful," she replied.

I clutched onto my lightsaber that was attached to my belt. Ahsoka did the same, and we started towards the bar.

At the door, I held it open, looking up and fown the streets while Ahsoka slid inside. I followed.

The bar was empty, with only a few chairs on their side or out of place. I didn't see anyone, not even Jho.

Ahsoka slackened her stance and walked to the bar. She leaned back on it and looked around. "What happened here?" Ahsoka questioned.

"I don't know. Where's Jho?" I asked.

Hopefully, whoever had happened to this place didn't happen to Jho.

Ahsoka stood there, thinking for a second. She looked once again around the bar. Ahsoka turned her head to look behind the bar and stopped.

"I found him," she said.

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