Chapter 33

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Barriss's POV

I was knocked out. The first thing I woke up to was a red blade at my neck. I knew the inquisitors had me cornered, and were about to kill me.

"Goodbye, murderer," the Seventh Sister muttered.


I didn't know where the voice came from, but as soon as it spoke the red blade disappeared from my neck.

My vision was cloudy from the smoke, so I didn't see what happened right away.

As my eyes adjusted, the scene revealed itself to me.

The two inquisitors, the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother, were lying on the wall by a big hole no doubt made when the Seventh Sister Force-pushed me.

As I looked around the room, my eyes froze on one thing.

I couldn't believe it. But he was there, breathing and clearly alive. The one person everyone thought had died.

"Ezra," I choked out, my voice filled with emotion.

Ezra's electric blue eyes stood out against the smoke as he looked at me.

"How can this be?" I asked, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Questions later. Right now, let's not die by standing in a burning building," Ezra said, as sarcastic as ever.

He helped me to my feet, and together, we ran through the halls, quickly clearing the short distance to the outside.

As soon as I was exposed to the crisp, cool air, a coughing fit overtook me. As soon as it was over, I looked up to look for the others. No one was standing out here.

Ahsoka must have taken the prisoners to the Ghost, hoping coming back for me.

I looked back to Ezra, looming over my kneeling figure.

"How?" I questioned.

"Not important," Ezra replied.

"I think it is. How did you survive the explosion in the ship? Ahsoka and I couldn't find you!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe you were looking in the wrong place," Ezra smirked.

I looked Ezra over, still puzzling over how he survived.

"How can your injury be healed? It would take more then a week to heal," I said, noting how well Ezra had moved in the building.

Ezra frowned. He obviously did not want to share that information.

"Like I said, Barriss, it is not important. What is important is that I was able to be there to save you from getting your head chopped off," Ezra said.

"Ezra Bridger, you have a knack for changing the subject," I said.

"If I were you, I would be complimenting the hero about how he just saved my life," Ezra said.

By now, I was already standing again. I frowned at Ezra and placed my hands on my hips. "Yes, I am grateful, but I need an explanation, Ezra. And I am not the only one. How did you escaped an exploding ship when all escape pods were deployed and you were under a pile of rubble?"

"It is hard to explain," Ezra sighed.

"I have time."

"Barriss, I am serious. This is not something meant to be shared."

I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing I wouldn't be able to crack Ezra at the moment. "Fine. But I feel you will tell me one day. One day."

Just as I finished speaking, the sounds of the Ghost sounded overhead. I looked up to indeed see the ship with Ahsoka standing on its open ramp.

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