Chapter 18

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Ezra's POV

I raised the ramp once Barriss reported everyone was on board. I flew the ship, being followed by the Ghost.

"Thanks for being here."

I took the com in my hand as the crackly voice of Barriss spoke.

"Loner, are we still staying with protocol?" Barriss asked.

Before Barriss and I separated, we came up with a protocol. If there was a choice to keep our identities secret, we would. I still didn't want anything to do with the Ghost crew.

"Confirmed, Renegade. Protocol is still active," I replied.

"As you wish."


As I flew through the Lothal atmosphere, TIEs kept appearing, replacing the ones Hera and I had already shot down.

Over the internal com I had activated, I heard the crew fighting with Barriss. I could tell she was doing her best to keep me a secret, but this crew was persistent.

I shot down Imperial vessels, attempting to escape the atmosphere, but they kept coming. I looked through the side window of the cockpit to see Hera on the Ghost having difficulties maneuvering.


My ship was hit.


Barriss's POV

The whole ship shook with the force of the hit. I ran to the cockpit, forgetting about keeping Ezra a secret from the rest. Ahsoka ran right beside me as we sprinted through the halls. "Who is flying this ship, Barriss?" Ahsoka asked with annoyance.

"I told you to trust me, Ahsoka!" I yelled at her.

I looked over my shoulder to see that the crew of the Ghost hadn't followed Ahsoka and me. I quickly resumed my running to the cockpit.

We stopped at the entrance to the cockpit. But before I opened the doors, I put my hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. "Stay out here. Please," I begged.

"I am going to see who this pilot is," Ahsoka growled.

I took a deep breath before continuing. "Why?" I asked.

Ahsoka stumbled back a little, confusion written all over her face. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you see I am trying?"

"Barriss, what are you saying?"

"Ahsoka, I know what I did to you all those years ago is unforgettable, but not unforgivable. I spent all those years in prison. I heard about Order 66, about all those Jedi dieing, from street rats who came in for petty crimes. I didn't get to say goodbye to people I had known all my life. I begged with all my life that you were alive, that I could see you again. Because hearing about all those Jedi dieing, about what I had tried to do once actually becone true, I realized something. I realized I was being seduced by the Dark Side. But I wasn't seduced by urning for power or greatness. I turned for that time to try to protect someone. I believed that if I framed you for murder, if you were locked away from the world, I could protect you from me doing what I thought was right. You wouldn't get hurt, and you would be safe.

"When I was younger, I believed things that I now regret. I know I should have never blown up the temple, or try and put you in prison. I should have realized what was happening to me, and I should have sought out help. I should have done what was right. But that was all in the past, Ahsoka. I can't change what I did. I can't go back and erase the wrongs I committed. All's that I can do now is ask for forgiveness. I only ask for you to forgive me. I had to hear about all of my friends and family dieing from scum who did less than me.

"Can't you realize I broke out of prison, spent years planning my escape, just so I could find you and apologize. I know what I did, and I know that I can be forgiven.

"But, Ahsoka, if you can't forgive me now, after all these years, after me pouring out my heart to you, then you are not the person I thought you were."

I stood there, breathing heavily after that speech. Ahsoka just stared at me, mouth agape.

"Barriss, I-"

Ahsoka was cut off by Ezra yelling over the internal com, "We are going down!"

Ahsoka and I shared a look before we crashed and all went black.

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