Chapter 12

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Barriss' s POV

I looked back at Ezra as soon as I stopped the transmission. Jho had gone back up front so it was just us two.

"What are you two talking about? Force-users?" Ezra asked.

"You truely don't know," I muttered.

"Know what?" Ezra questioned.

"Do you know what the Force is?"


"The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surronds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."

"And what does that have to do with me? What is with these inquisitors going after people who use it?"

"Ezra, do you know what the Jedi are?"

"Some protecters of peace? I know they fought in the Clone Wars."

"The Jedi were the light users if the Force. They tried to use it for peace and to help others. I was once a Jedi, as was Ahsoka. The dark users of the Force were the Sith. The inquisitors have tapped into the dark side, but I can tell you they have not used the full extent of the Dark Side."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"You are strong in the Force, Ezra. You are able to unlock it, like me."

"That's why the inquisitors want me?"

"Yes. They fear anyone who can use the Force who hasn't yet been influenced by the Dark Side can go against the Empire. They would be dangerous enemies."

"What does it do exactly?"


"The Force."

I closed my eyes and lifted my hand. I sensed a few crates by where Ezra was standing. I lifted them into the air. They hung, suspended.

I heard a faint gasp from Ezra and smiled. I dropped the crates and looked at Ezra. "And there is so much more."

"I can do that?" Ezra asked in awe.

"With the right training."

"That explains what the inquisitors are after."

"I could show you how to use it, Ezra."

I didn't realize I was going to say it. Me? Train Ezra? I certainly wasn't the most qualified. I blew up the Jedi temple!

"We made a deal, Barriss," Ezra said coolly.

"So you would go alone, knowing this information? Knowing the power you have? You would just throw it all away?" I asked, bewildered about how anyone could turn this down.

"I know why they want me. I can protect myself. I am most definitely not going to commit myself to someone. I just don't trust easily."

"You are most interesting, Ezra Bridger. I could never imagine myself turn down this kind of offer."

"Well, you didn't. You became a Jedi."

"Too true."

"Another thing, Barriss."


"Ahsoka said you framed her for murder?"

"I certainly did."

I explained everything to the kid. I wanted him to trust me. I could at least become a better person with this kid, but I had to be honest.

"You did all that?" Ezra asked.

"I certainly angered Anakin and Luminara."

"I can tell," he replied sarcastically.

"So, you are still going to go?" I asked.

"Sorry, Barriss. I don't stay with anyone. I am a street rat. I don't have family. I am a loner."

"Well, if you ever change your mind."

"Not likely."

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