Chapter 16

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Ezra's POV

"What do you mean, on a mission?" I asked Jho. I had come in to ask if he knew if Barriss and the Ghost crew were on any supply runs.

"I am afraid so. I sent them on one as soon as I found one. The Rebellion is in desperate need of supplies," he replied.

"Where did you send them?" I asked. I sensed this had something to do with the vision, I just didn't know what. If this was the base I saw in my dreams. . .

"They are at an Imperial base here on Lothal," Jho whispered.

"No, no, no!" I muttered.

"What's wrong?"

I explained to Jho about my dream, how I could just feel this mission would led to trouble. I explained how I saw the crew and Barriss in trouble. I explained to him the Imperial transport I saw trying to help the rebels. Once I completed my tale, Jho scratched the back of his neck, looking around nervously. "Kid, I think I know the transport you are talking about."


"Here she is, kid."

Jho had closed down the shop right before we left. He hadn't told me where he was going, all's I knew was that it had something to do with the transport from my dream.

Jho drove me to an old farm, hidden in ghe mountains. It had taken a good part of the day to get there on speeder, and was very well hidden. As soon as we both were off the speeder, he led me to the old barn.

I squinted my eyes, trying to find anything special about the old building. It was falling apart, it was rusty, and wasn't very stable. I didn't even see how it was still standing. I gave Jho a confused look and approached the old barn. Jho was following right behind me. "It doesn't seem like much," I told the old barkeeper.

"Well, of course it doesn't. I don't want the Empire sniffing around here and finding this."

Jho slid open one of the large doors. The inside was dark, with shafts of sunlight visible here and there. But sitting right in the middle of the large space was a transport vessel. For some reason, it seemed strangely familiar. I gasped once I realized where I had seen it before.

It was the vessel in my dream.

"What's this supposed to mean, Jho?" I asked.

I followed him into the barn. I could see dust molecules floating through the air lazily, as if there was no evilious Empire in existence.

"From your vision, Ezra, I have a feeling that this ship is supposed to be used. Most likely by you. It's all yours."

I gapped at him, my surprise obvious. "You are just giving this to me?"

"What am I going to use it for? Besides, you know about my secret place now. It would be a waste if I didn't let you use the stuff I will never get a chance to try."

"Thank you, Jho."

"Hey, what can I say? Besides, you did share the secret Senator Organa gave to you to remember. Just think of this as a pay back."

My mind flashed back to the secret Jho and I had memorized. It had been a while, but the phrase was still stuck in my head.

"Thanks, Jho."

"Well, don't stand around thanking me, you have a vision to see through. I will send you the coordinates as soon as you board. Just remember to bring her back when you are done."

"You got it."


As Jho promised, I had the coordinates as soon as I stepped into the cockpit. I set autopilot to fly to where Jho had sent the rebels. The ship glided through the air, as good as if it was just made. I sent one last final thanks to Jho before I focused on my vision. Those rebels would need me soon.

As would Barriss.

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