Chapter 31

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Barriss's POV

Ahsoka and I ran side by side in the burning heat. "Where could they be?" Ahsoka asked.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed as I quickly patted down sparks that jumped onto my clothes.

"Well, we better find out then!"

The two of us continued to search the burning building. All around us, the roof was collapsing in different sections as the fire weakened the ceiling. Ahsoka and I used our lightsabers to cut through debris that came in the way of our path.

It was just like old times, during the Clone Wars. Ahsoka and I side-by-side in the midst of battle as carnage raged all around us.

Most people wouldn't call that a good time, but it was for me. Back then, I hadn't killed Jedi and Ahsoka still trusted me without a doubt.

As we turned down a hall, a yell stopped us in our tracks. "It came from down the hall!" I exclaimed.
Ahsoka nodded and we ran even faster through the flames. As we neared the yells, the fire seemed to thin out, revealing to us the rebels.

"Help!" A man yelled. He was perhaps in his late twenties and his face was covered with soot, his bright blue eyes and short blond hair seeming to glow against the black.

Behind him were other rebels crouched on the ground. About ten in all, and all were covered in soot. A few had small fires starting on their clothes from sparks from the fire.

"Are you all right?" Ahsoka asked as she rushed to the side of an eldery woman.

"Yes," the man replied. "We just escaped from our cells. The entrances were disabled a little bit after the fire started. This is everyone who was kept prison."

"I'm Ahsoka. That's Barriss. We are here to get you out," Ahsoka explained.

"I am Quincy," Quincy replied.

"Let's get these people out of here. I will make sure we have a clear path," I said, igniting my lightsaber.

"A Jedi!" Quincy gasped.

"Something like that," I said.


Finally, we made it to the outside of the base. Outside, an air battle was raging. TIEs were shot down as the Ghost was expertly maneuvered through the air.

"Kanan, we have them!" Ahsoka gasped into her com.

The smoke had taken a toll on all of us. Everyone was wheezing as their breath rattled in their chest.

"They need medical attention!" Ahsoka added.

"On it!" Kanan replied.


I looked back to see a young girl, still in her teens, searching around frantically.

"My sister, Amari! She must have gotten lost in the fire!" The girl exclaimed.

"I'll go get her," I said without hesitation.

"Barriss, you can't take a lot more of this smoke!" Ahsoka burst out.

"Neither can you or Amari. I will be back as soon as possible," I said, running into the base before Ahsoka could protest again.

A few feet in, I stopped. I stood still and slowed my breathing. I closed my eyes as a sense of calm surronded me. The heat from the fire seemed parsacs away as I connected with the mystical Force.

As always, the Force seemed to feel like a never-ending river with uncontrollable rapids. Everything being swept away quickly. If yoh didn't focus hard enough, anything you were looking for would be swept away, just out of reach.

I shut out the world and focused on one name. Amari. My senses extended to beyond what I could see with the naked eye.

As quick as a bullet, I found a life source. Not far from here.

I brought my senses back in, but then quickly stopped. I had sensed something else, something that wasn't supposed to be there.

It didn't feel alive, but it didn't feel dead either. I tried focusing on it, but couldn't get a clear view of it.

I attempted to sense where it was. I didn't have to go far to find it. It seemed to be right behind me.

I gasped, breaking my connection with the Force, igniting my lightsaber, and swinging it back behind me.

But nothing was there.

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