Chapter 22

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Barriss's POV

"Ezra!" I said as I walked through the medical bay to Ezra's bed.

"Well, look who it is," Ezra said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"About as good as you can feel when you have been in a coma for three days," he said.

"You will be fine," a voice said.

I looked behind me to see Ahsoka walking towards us.

"Hello, Ahsoka," I greeted.

"Barriss," Ahsoka nodded in greeting.

"Has it come time for my choice I have to make?" Ezra asked.

"I am afraid so," Ahsoka said.

"Remember what I said, Ahsoka," I warned.

"Of course, Barriss," Ahsoka replied without looking at me.

"So what are my choices?" Ezra asked.

"There isn't really a choice, I'm afraid."

Ahsoka explained the situation to Ezra. With each word said, Ezra seemed to frown more and more.

"Well?" Ahsoka finally asked.

As Ezra thought it over, I swear I saw just a brief look of relief pass over his face. "Fine, I will stay while I recover, but then I am going straight back to Lothal," he said.

"Thank you, Ezra. And one more thing, Commander Sato would like your presence. He wants your account of what happened at the Imperial base," Ahsoka said.

"Well, there is nothing else to do here," Ezra said as he rose from his bed. The medical droid automatically came scurrying over, but Ezra waved him away.

Ahsoka and I watched as Ezra exited the medical bay, the pain in his side obvious in the way he walked.

"Thank you," I said to Ahsoka.

"I didn't pressure him into anything, Barriss," Ahsoka sighed.

"That is why I am thanking you," I told her.

"There is nothing to thank me for," Ahsoka said.

"Yes, there-"

I was cut off by the ship being violently shook. Alarms started blaring as rebel troops enter the medical bay.

"What is going on!" Ahsoka yelled to one of the soldiers.

"Empire!" He replied simply.

Ahsoka and I shared a quick glance before sprinting out of the medical bay, straight to the cockpit.


"Commander!" Ahsoka yelled to the commander once the cockpit doors opened.

Ezra was with Sato, thankfully, and were both standing at the holotable, watching the fight, trying to prevent the Empire from destroying the ship.

"Ahsoka! Barriss!" Sato yelled as soon as he saw us approaching.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Empire somehow tracked us, again," Sato reported.

"Again?" Ezra asked.

"Be quiet," Ahsoka snapped. "This is serious!"

Ezra muttered to himself before turning back to the holotable.

"How did they track us?" I asked.

"I am not sure," Sato said.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ezra asked.

"What?" All three of us asked at the same time.

"These are Alderaan ships. The Empire knows you rebels like to steal these ships, so they just put trackers in them," Ezra said as if he was teaching a child what space was.

"He is probably right," Ahsoka said.

"If so, we need to get rid of that tracker. Ezra, where do you think it would be?" Sato asked.

"I am not an expert on this stuff!" Ezra said.

"Expert on what?"

All four of us turned to see the Ghost crew. "Where the Imperial tracker could be on this ship," Ahsoka explained.

"The Empire put a tracker on our command ship?" Sabine asked.

"Let's stop standing around talking about it when we could we finding it. Ahsoka, Ezra, and I will check the main reactor. You guys go look elsewhere," I snapped.

"Fine. But as soon as someone finds something, sound the alarm," Ahsoka said as our team rushed away.

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