Preference 1: How You Meet

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Y/f/n- Your first name

Y/m/n- Your middle name

Y/l/n- Your last Name

Y/n/n- Your nick name

H/l- Hair length

H/c- Hair color

E/c- Eye color

F/c- Fav color

S/c- Skin color

Benny: You sighed, pushing your (h/l) (h/c) behind your ear and crossing your jean-clad legs as you adjusted the book on your lap. You tuned out everyone at your new school, trying to concentrate on the story and thinking of what to say to your mother for moving here. Seriously, you thought bitterly, ignoring the group of people staring at you from across campus, Mum has NEVER mentioned Whitechapel at all! Why did she decide to move here?! A tap on your shoulder made you turn around, your loose braid swinging softly and you (f/c) shirt moving a tiny bit. You looked up just to meet dark brown eyes,

"Can I help you?" You asked, sounding ruder than you intended. The boy flinched a bit and your eyes widened before you started spluttering out apologies,

"Oh, my god; I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sound so rude! I've just been really stressed with being at a new school and moving and-"

The brunette boy laughed before placing his hand over my mouth,

"Dude, it's fine. I just came over to see if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends?"

"My friends and I," You corrected immediately.

"What?" He asked.

"Sorry," you chuckled, "I talk to my best friend too much."

He nodded.

"I'd love to join you guys," you said, smiling brightly and holding out your (s/c) hand, "I'm (Y/N)!"

The boy chuckled, "Nice to meet ya, I'm Benny Weir."

Benny winked at you before holding out his arm which you happily linked yours with as you headed towards his friends. Maybe this place won't be so bad after all!

Ethan: Throwing on a light pink dress and pair of white flats, you quickly ran out the door. Saying a goodbye to your Aunt, you started a fast walk to Whitechapel High before slowing to a normal paced walk when you caught up to your friend.

"Hey Rory," you said, you soft and quiet voice catching the vampires attention.

"Hey (Y/n/n)!" Rory smiled, wrapping an arm around you in a side hug and you did the same, "How are you?"

"I'm good," you said, voice still quiet but that wasn't a problem for Rory due to his good hearing, "How are you, Ror?"

"I'm great! Well, as great as vamp can feel but it's been a while since we've hung out! Why don't you come meet my friends during lunch? We'll meet you at your locker, ok?"

You nodded before chuckling as Rory hugged you one last time and speeding off.


You opened your locker, placing your advanced marine biology textbook in it before grabbing your college level calculus book and sliding it into your white messenger bag. You closed your locker before letting out a small shriek when you noticed Rory and four other people.

"Oh my gosh!" You said, voice quieter than normal due to the fact that your best friend scaring you.

"Sorry (Y/n/n)," Rory said, resting a hand on your shoulder as you tried to control your breathing, "I forgot about it."

"Forgot about what?" The small brunette boy asked.

You looked down, ashamed at what the answer even though you didn't say it.

"Oh, I'm sorry," He said, "I shouldn't have asked.

Smiling softly, you waved him away before saying, "It's alright. I'm (Y/n) by the way."

"I'm Ethan. This is Benny," he gestured to the other boy before gesturing to the brunette girl and then the blond girl, "and this is Sarah and Erica."

Rory: You walked past Erica and her friends as fast as you could. You didn't want to be seen. It wasn't them you were scared of, in fact, they were nice but it was him. Rory. The boy you were friends with in kinder all the way to seventh grade but then he just left you alone. Never spoke to you, never texted or called you, never even looked at you. And that hurt hella bad.

"Hey! (Y/n)!" Erica shouted.

You froze, shoulders tensed and eyes a bit widened as you turned around.

"Y-yes, E-Erica?" You asked, more like stuttered though.

Erica laughed, flicking her blond hair back, "Don't worry, I just want you to come meet my friends. I missed my old bestie anyways!"

You smiled, knowing she was being completely honest and genuine,

"I'd love to Erica!"

Erica smiled before linking your arms and pulling you to the group of people.

"Guys, this is (Y/n)! A good friend of mine! (Y/n), this is Ethan and Benny," she gestured to the brunette boys, "and I'm sure you remember Sarah!"

"Hey Sarah!" You smiled, waving happily to your old friend who waved back before hugging you.

"This is Rory," Erica said, pretending you guys didn't know each other even though she knew you guys were friends for a long time before.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)," Rory said, extending his hand.

"You too Rory," you murmured, flashing a smile you knew everyone could see through, "though it sucks you don't remember me, Hero."

You watched his brown eyes widen a bit. By then, however, you had already started walking away with Erica and Sarah on either side of you, leaving behind two confused brunettes and a shocked blonde.

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