First Argument Part 2

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A/N: Okay so this is going to be more descriptive than the first part but I hope you guys enjoy! Also, HOLY HERA 4.2K VIEWS GUYS OMG! I AM SO HAPPY! I never ever thought so many of you guys would actually enjoy this story, let alone even read it! YAY!

Benny: 'It's always his magic,' You thought sadly, wiping away your tears as you sat on the edge of your balcony. For the past hour you had thought about jumping and thinking about if Benny would be happy if you weren't there to distract him from his magic. You shook your head, (h/c) flying in your face from the movement and the wind. You sighed and looked down at your dangling feet, kicking your legs back and forth gently as you looked back up.

"I'm not enough for him am I?" You asked, looking to the moon as if you were waiting for it to give you an answer, "Maybe I should go back and-"

You stopped talking when your phone went off and you grabbed it, answering it hesitantly when you saw Benny's name on the screen.

"H-hello?" You asked, wincing slightly as the sound of your hoarse voice and froze at the sound of things breaking in the background.

"(Y/N)," Ethan's worried voice came through the speaker, "It's Benny. He needs you."

That was all you need to hear before running to Benny's house, dressed in only your nightgown and not bothering to put on shoes. You gasped slightly when you finally reached Benny's home and ran to his room to see it destroyed. Ethan looked at you, pointing to his friend's closet where audible cries were coming from. You opened the door and knelt down next to Benny, placing your hand on his cheek and smiling sadly when he looked at you.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He whimpered, pulling you into a tight hug when you nodded and you and him both smiled softly as you held each other, knowing that everything was back to the way it used to be.

Ethan: You clung to Sarah, crying your heart out as you told her about why you finally brought it up after months. Sarah didn't say anything, just held you and promised to take you to stay the night at her house and just eat takeout and rewatch romantic comedies to make you feel better. The second you nodded, she was immediately with you in front of her house and let you in before heading to the kitchen to order Chinese food while you looked threw her movies. You phone went off a moment later and you looked over, your heart skipping a beat when you saw a text from Ethan.

(Y/N), I am so so so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! God, I'm such an idiot! I kept going off about another girl when I was dating the perfect one! Please forgive me. -Ethan

"Don't answer it," Sarah's voice came from the entry of the hallway and she walked towards you, picking up your phone and putting it on silent, "You can answer him tomorrow but right now, we're going to have some girl time, got it?"

You nodded, a smile appearing on your face even after what happened between you and Ethan and you held up 'The Notebook', snickering at Sarah's disturbed face before holding him 'The Wedding Ringer'. Sarah grinned happily, taking the movie out of the case and popping it into the DVD player. You two had gotten halfway through the movie and were currently laughing before the laughter reduced to giggles when the doorbell rang.

"I got it. It's probably the food," You said, smiling slightly when Sarah tossed you some money for the food and snuggled into the blanket as you walked away and opened the door, "Ethan?"

Standing in front of the door, the delivery boy looking annoyed a few feet behind him, was your boyfriend- er, your EX-boyfriend though you guys didn't technically break up- UGH forget it. You moved Ethan to the side, handing the boy the correct amount of money and taking the bags from him.

"What are you doing here, Ethan?" You questioned, the bag of food in one hand and the other hand resting on your hip and you were vaguely aware of Sarah watching you both in the back.

"I came to apologize," He said and you finally noticed how watery and red his eyes were, "I know you don't forgive me and I understand if you don't want to get back together but I love you-"

"Whoa, Ethan look," You said softly, "One, I could never stay mad at you but it will take me a while to forgive you and two, we didn't break up."

A look of realization came across his face as he sighed with relief and kissed you, making you laugh before pulling away and shooing him off Sarah's porch. He gave you a sad puppy face but you shook your head, telling him that you and Sarah are having a girls night. Ethan nodded, yelling a goodnight to you both before running off and leaving you and Sarah to go back to your movie.

Rory: Your whole body felt like it was on fire as you lied on the street, the noises around you sounding like buzzing as you felt yourself lifted and placed on something soft. Your sight was dotted with black spots, your head moving to the side causing you to yelp but it all went away when you saw a familiar blonde being held back by two girls. Your hand moved out slightly and your mouth opened to speak but you could only get out one word before everything went black.


Sarah and Erica held my arms behind my back as I watched the ambulance take away (Y/N). My (Y/N). The second the ambulance drove off, the girls went to get Ethan and Benny while I ran to the hospital. The others met me there, trying to calm me down and held onto my arms and shoulders to make sure I didn't stop floating for almost an hour before a nurse walked over to us.

"Rory Keaner?" A brunette nurse walked over to us, calling my name and smiling softly at the others and I when we moved towards her, "Ms.(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is doing perfectly well and despite a broken arm and a few broken ribs, she will not have to go through any surgery. She is in room A76 if you'd like to see her but please be quiet. She is currently sleeping."

"Thank you," Sarah said, grabbing my arm and we made our way to (Y/N)'s room where we see her arm in a cast and a few bandages on her other arm and her head.

The five of us walked into the hospital room, me immediately going to the chair closest to her while the others looked from me to her before exiting the room and waiting outside the door after closing it. I ran my hand through her (h/c) hair gently before moving my hand to rest on her pale and cold cheek, knowing that the heart monitor was the only thing showing she was still alive along with small rise and fall of her chest.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." I whispered, grabbing her hand and kissing it gently, "I should have never said that to you. I should have thought about how you felt."

I let out a soft whimper and rested my forehead against the edge of her hospital bed before sitting up immediately when a felt a pressure on my hand. I looked at (Y/N) carefully, a bright smile appearing on my face as I watched her beautiful (e/c) eyes open and look at me.


You smiled weakly at the blonde boy in front of you, love filling every inch of you as you said, "Who are you?"

A/N: Haha! JK I'm not that mean!


You smiled weakly at the blonde boy in front of you, love filling every inch of you as you said, "I forgive you, Rory."

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