He/She Finds Out You're Supernatural

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This preference was requested by cheyenneluvs_u. I hope you like it!! Also, the order in the image is the order for what you are in this preference.

Ethan: You were turned into a fledging a few weeks ago and immediately thought Ethan would leave you if he found out so you distanced yourself from him and the others besides Sarah and Erica. However, after being so successful, you were currently on your way to save Ethan. As well as Benny and your three fellow vampires.

You let out a groan as you pushed open the doors to an abandoned warehouse, hands tucked into the pockets of your tight leather pants and a bored look on your face. You walked down the hallway, opening another door and seeing your friends and boyfriend tied up. They all looked up, blood on the arms and bruises visible as well.

"(YN)!" Ethan said, looking at you in shock and seeing your tight leather clothing, "What are you doing here and what are you wearing?"

You opened your mouth to tell him to be quiet while you saved his ass but someone spoke before you could let out a single word.

"Well well well what-"

"UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH," you groaned, throwing your head back as you walked over to your friends and untied them and looked at.... Jesse.

"No just no... Just... kill me now so I don't have to deal with you." You said, watching his eyes widened and, right as he moved to come bear you and the others, you were right behind him.

You saw Erica and Sarah look away as well as Rory while Benny and Ethan stared in shock at your speed. You let out a low growl and stabbed the stake into Jesse's back, stepping back as he was destroyed and let out a sheepish smile.

"Soooo... I'm a vampire," You explained before your eyes widened and you jumped as Ethan fainted and fell to the floor.


Benny: You couldn't keep your shifting under control so it wasn't a surprise when Benny found out easily. You had your head hidden behind your locker door and you could feel the blood dripping down your chin as your canines sunk into your bottom lip. Your eyes were shut tightly and you opened them slightly to grab your sunglasses and put them on. You looked in the mirror hanging on the inside of the locker and cleaning the blood on your chin before examining your canines.

"Hey babe," Benny greeted from the other side of the locker and you immediately shut your mouth and closed the door.

You gave him a closed lipped smile and turned to walk away since school had just ended but ended up running as fast as possible when you heard your boyfriend call out for you. You were almost to your house when you felt Benny grab your arm and you freaked out, turning around and accidentally scratching his cheek with your claws.

"Oh my god, Benny I'm so sorry." You whimpered, your canines retracting and your eyes going from yellow back to (e/c) as you placed your now normal hand on his cuts, "Oh love, I didn't mean to."

"You're... You're a werewolf," He muttered, looking at you with surprise before grinning and fist pumping, "My girlfriend's a freaking werewolf! AWESOME!"

Rory: You were half demon and half human which meant you could teleport as well as use telekinesis. All your friends knew except your boyfriend, Rory, who was just too clueless to realize anything. So, you made a plan with the others to show him. Ethan would call Rory and tell him to go to Benny's home, Benny would then lead him to his backyard where Sarah and Erica would stand there and you'll pop in and.... Well you'll see. :)

The plan had gone perfectly well and it was your turn for it so you teleported behind Rory and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, smiling as he saw you and went to give you a hug before feeling nothing but air and turning around to see you standing where he had been looking before jumping back. He almost fell down but you rolled your eyes, snapping your fingers and making him stumble forward.

"Woah," his eyes were wide with awe and a bit of shock as you smiled slightly and your cheeks turned slightly red, "what are you?"

His question was so abrupt and full of curiosity instead of anger or fear that it shocked you and made Sarah smack the back of his head and give him a look.

"I'm a hybrid." You answered, tucking a strand of (h/c) behind your ear and rocking back and forth on your feet awkwardly.

"Wicked." Rory breathed out, making you and the others laugh.

Erica: Yep.... you're a mermaid. And no you aren't like the ones depicted in that Little Mermaid movie. Your kind was extremely different in looks and abilities. When you shifted into a mermaid, which was you wanted to or if you were by water and got scared and shifted into your other form after falling into the water, you had extremely sharp teeth (imagine vampire fangs) and your tail was a dark murky kind of blue and you grew fins all along your arms and back and tail. You eyes would turn into the same color as your tail, but a bit more green than blue, and they would have cat-like slits for the pupil. Your abilities... well you could speak to sea animals, create miniature whirlpools, and cause tsunamis if you're angry or scared enough.

You were currently in your bathroom, managing to shift only so your fangs and eyes changed and the rest of your body didn't. You let out a loud cheer before going back to normal and running to your room. You threw yourself onto your bed and grabbed your phone. You started texting who you thought was Sarah but was actually your girlfriend.


Erica: Did what?

You: I managed to only shift my eyes and fangs! Nothing else! This mermaids got her shifting under control!

Erica: WHAT?!

You: ........oops... this isn't Sarah is it?

Erica: no! It's your girlfriend.

Erica: ......

You: Doll?

Erica: Be ready for tonight.

You gulped, hands shaking slightly but not in fear... in excitement. Erica has always been really... touchy... you could say. And you know what she meant in her last text and you stayed in your room the whole day, not wanting to go downstairs and accidentally tell your parents and sister what happened.

A/N: Alright!! It's finished! I really hope you guys liked it! Remember to leave a comment or dm me if you have a preference or one shot request and I'll get it done as soon a possible! See you all in the next update!!

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