One Shot #8

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Okay so this is a one shot request for @DramaLlamaLana!I hope you enjoy it! Also; I definitely do NOT regret the image XD


Lana's POV

I groaned, rolling over onto my stomach as Mom yelled at me from downstairs to get up for school. I swear, I loved the woman- I really do -but it's literally 7:00 a.m and school doesn't start until 7:30-

"WAIT WHAT?!" I shrieked, looking at my alarm clock before swearing under my breath.

I sat up in my Attack On Titan themed bed sheets, running a hand through my shin length hair. (Jesus woman! Why such long hair?! XD XD) I pushed my blanket off, throwing my legs over the edge and standing up.


"I heard ya, Mom!" I yelled, snickering when I heard her huff and walk away from my door.

I made my way to the bathroom connected to my room, pulling my hair out of its braid and shaking it out . I rubbed my eyes and yawned before doing my usual morning routine, humming to myself as I did so. I threw on a t-shirt with the face of BMO from Adventure Time, a pair of gray leggings, and then a sweater with the Wings Of Freedom on it. I grabbed my messenger bag before exiting my room and sitting on the railing of the stairs, sliding down to the bottom. Jumping off at the end, I laughed slightly as I landed on my feet and ran into the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Ethan's outside, Lan." Jane said, still dressed in her bunny designed pajamas and drawing on the paper in front of her while eating her breakfast.

"Thanks, squirt." I grinned, ruffling her hair as I ran outside, hearing her shout of disapproval as I jumped down the patio to land next to my brother.

"Jesus Lana," He squeaked, placing a hand on his chest as I rolled my eyes and we started walking.

We talked about many things, mainly it being on how my manga is going and how I'm doing so far with learning Japanese. We made it to his school- now going to be my new school -and I froze, looking up at the large building. Ethan gripped my hand, giving me a reassuring smile and I smiled back warily as we walked in together. I cowered back slightly at all the stares on me, making a bit more anxious before yelping as Ethan yanked me farther down the hall to a small group of people.

"Ethan, I don't want-"

"It'll be fine sis! You'll love them and they'll love you!"

I was totally skeptical over that last part but sighed and let him pull me over to them. They turned to look at us and I took that time to look at all of them. One was a tall girl with blonde hair and turquoise eyes, and looked kinda pale might I add, but was very pretty none the less. The other girl was shorter than her and had brown hair and brown eyes along with tanned skin, and just as beautiful as the taller girl, making me smirk as I automatically realized it was the Sarah girl Ethan never shut up about. I looked at the two boys next to the girls, one of the boys being blonde as well with green eyes and shorter than the first girl, seeming to have the same kind of pale skin as her too. Finally, my eyes landed on the last boy and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I knew he was friends with Ethan and that his name was Benny but I never saw him in person and I absolutely regretted that because holy hell he's cute.

"Hey guys," My brother greeted, stopping in front of them with my slightly hiding behind him before glaring as he moved to the side, "This is Lana."

"Sup," I said confidently, returning Sarah's glare tenfold, making her flinch just the tiniest bit, before I saw something that looked like jealousy in her eyes and I smirked as I realized why, "I'm Ethan's ado-"

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