One Shot #6

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A/N: Okay this an Ethan one-shot for Ella! And I'm just now noticing a lot of you are commenting for Ethan. Wow.... Anyways! I hope you enjoy it!

Ella sat in her seat next to Rory in first period, a bored expression on her face as he went on about Erica. Thank god Mr.Perez was giving them time to talk amongst themselves otherwise she'd most likely get detention with Rory.

"Psst. Ella!" Ethan said, smiling proudly when he got her attention, "Want to come over after school?"

"Sure." She said, giving him a small smile before turning to Rory and placing her hand over his mouth, "Rory. Please just... Be quiet."

Rory nodded before talking more as the second she pulled her hand away, making her groan before sighing with relief when the bell rang. Ella packed her stuff away, racing out the door and jumping slightly when Ethan grabbed her hand and walked her to her second period before going to his own. She sat in her seat next to Sarah, giving the vampire a smile before watching the film their marine teacher played and twirled her brown hair around her finger as she got lost in thought.

Sarah looked over at Ella, giggling quietly as she snapped her fingers in front of the young girls' blue eyes. Ella jumped slightly in her seat, giving her friend a playful glare.

"You're blushing, El." Sarah grinned teasingly, nudging her with her elbow, "You daydreaming about Ethan?"

"N-no!" Ella said, her cheeks getting warmer and darker as she looked away and tried to hide her smile by playing with the hem of her shirt.


Ella walked up the steps to Ethan's house, smiling at Jane when the door was open by said girl. Jane hugged her brother's girlfriend before going back upstairs and closing her door. Ella chuckled, shaking her head as she walked into the living room.

"Hey Eth-" Ella started before letting out a small shriek as something hit her in the chest.

"Ella!" Benny and Ethan shouted, running forward to her and kneeling down next to her sitting form.

"Are you alright, El?" Ethan asked, his arm wrapped around Ella's waist as he helped her sit straighter.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She said, her voice getting quieter with each word before her eyes shut and her head fell against his chest. Ethan panicked, shaking Ella gently as he looked down at her and he could hear Benny in the background calling his grandmother. Ethan's eyes watered as he held Ella tightly, running his hand through her hair as he whimpered before he started crying.

"Why are you guys been so...loud" Jane asked, before seeing the older girl and screaming. Benny ran to her and covered her mouth, shaking his head before hearing Ethan sigh in relief. They looked over at Ethan and Ella, both of them giving relieved expressions when they saw Ella's blue eyes open.

"Oh thank god you're okay, Ella." Ethan whispered holding her tightly, "I thought I was going to lose you."

"You aren't getting rid of me that easily," She laughed, hugging him back and laughing more when Jane and Benny joined the hug with Benny apologizing repeatedly.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, Ella!

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